What is your preferred means of transportation? (For traveling)


Sep 20, 2013
What do you prefer when traveling? Do you take a plane? Do you ride the train or bus to enjoy scenery? Do you drive yourself?

My preferred mode of transportation is the bus. I enjoy the scenery. I have taken the train before, and it was very comfortable. Unfortunately, my phone service was terrible because we kept going through tunnels. The train?s WiFi was not working. I frequently ride the Greyhound bus and enjoy it. Most people hate it, but I have not experienced any problems when riding on the bus.

I have had a few delays, but it was nothing too major. I also was not in a hurry to reach my destination either of the times, so it was not a big deal. For one of the delays, one lady was pissed off because the driver wouldn?t let her service dog ride up front with her because ?it was too distracting.? There was a fight, and the police were called. The driver quit, and we had to wait eleven hours for a new driver. It was interesting, but a heck of a long layover.
My favourite means of transportation is the train. I take it to school every day. It's very comfortable and I read/work without getting motion sickness.
Public transport around the city definitely. I hate driving a car in a congested city. I have a scooter (honda scoopy) at home but I only really ride it when it’s a short ride like to the market or something.

I don’t really like flying but it’s the easiest way to travel abroad. I do love traveling by train though, but only if time constraints aren’t an issue because it usually takes a lot longer.
My favorite form of traveling is walking. Lmao

I’m serious. We don’t have public transports or subways, or anything like that out here. If you don’t own a car, you use Uber, and if you don’t do either, you pretty much walk everywhere.
I drive everywhere, or fly if I'm state hopping since I'm too impatient for long road trips.
The only ways I've ever been able to travel are by car, bike, or walking. I like riding in a car but it would be much more pleasant if I was the one driving, but I still don't have my license :(

Right now my preferred method of getting around is by bike, since I've always loved riding a bike and it feels very nice to be able to go not too slow but not too fast :blush:
i love to drive. It's one of my favorite things to do! I could be in a car for hours so long as my spotify playlist is going and I have some good company
just driving. i love getting to listen to music and it's much more comfortable than a bus or plane imo, but if i'm traveling long distances then it'd have to be planes just for the sake of being way way faster, though flying in itself is a pain in the butt.