I'm so excited for this! I want to know how many buildings there are that we can make shops with. For sure I'll have a school in the school building, a hospital, et cetera. Hopefully there's a handful! I'd love to be able to choose from the following ideas I've been thinking about:
Restaurant - I want to make either a classy, high-end Italian restaurant, or a beachside seafood restaurant like those you see in all beach towns! With the marlin on the wall and the bar and et cetera. I can't choose right now, haha.
Nursery - A nursery that sells potted plants, flower starts and other similar things! I had this in HHD, and I loved the one they featured in the Direct.
"Antique" or curio store - A cute, dusty shop that has little rare items in it, mostly gyroids. Maybe also Gulliver items, seasonal, et cetera et cetera.
Boutique - A fashion boutique! I'm so excited to see if ALL of the furniture pieces from HHD return because that would mean the cute little purse will come back (and hopefully we can customize it!) If so, this boutique will feature accessories and a few custom designs (provided we can import our custom QR clothes onto mannequins here).
Grocery store / farmer's market - A cute little farmer's market with vegetables, mushrooms, fruit, fish (would totally use this
fish box thing) and other "organic" cooking materials!