Oh my goodness I am
such a sucker for stationery, it’s ridiculous. I have I think three different binder type planners? In my defence they are a little different, lol. I have a small red one that zips closed, I got it ages ago from a thrift store. I have a similar sized blue one that closes with a clasp, and then I have a larger black one that also closes with a clasp.
For actual planning I use the blue one the most as the red one being a zip closure I find I haven’t got quite as much space? And then I use the largest binder as an journal! I like how it has rings in it though so I can customize it how I want and such.
I absolutely adore pretty paper, too

this feeds into my habit of buying journals. Yes, you heard me, I buy bound journals even though I use my binder as a planner. I tend to just take apart journals that have pretty paper & hole punch them so they fit in the binder!
I’m also a big fan of stickers, washi tap, and colourful fine tipped markers. I think it makes everything more fun and I like to journal and plan (when I actually have a job to plan stuff for lol) as a way to relax. Cute hole punchers also make me so happy!! I left most of mine at my old job unfortunately (and they’ve said they haven’t seen them

) but I do still have one that looks like an owl!