What kind of stationery do you collect ?

What kind of stationery do you collect

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i love stickers so much but i rarely buy more. if i didn't feel guilty spending money on stationery i would definitely buy stickers much more often
Oh my goodness I am such a sucker for stationery, it’s ridiculous. I have I think three different binder type planners? In my defence they are a little different, lol. I have a small red one that zips closed, I got it ages ago from a thrift store. I have a similar sized blue one that closes with a clasp, and then I have a larger black one that also closes with a clasp.

For actual planning I use the blue one the most as the red one being a zip closure I find I haven’t got quite as much space? And then I use the largest binder as an journal! I like how it has rings in it though so I can customize it how I want and such.

I absolutely adore pretty paper, too 🥺 this feeds into my habit of buying journals. Yes, you heard me, I buy bound journals even though I use my binder as a planner. I tend to just take apart journals that have pretty paper & hole punch them so they fit in the binder!

I’m also a big fan of stickers, washi tap, and colourful fine tipped markers. I think it makes everything more fun and I like to journal and plan (when I actually have a job to plan stuff for lol) as a way to relax. Cute hole punchers also make me so happy!! I left most of mine at my old job unfortunately (and they’ve said they haven’t seen them 🙄) but I do still have one that looks like an owl!
I love washi tape and stickers but though I own a lot, I'm reluctant in using them in notebooks, calendars, planners and such, because they have a set ammount of time of use, then they're kept in the back of my closet and almost never looked at again. If I'm gonna use them, better be somewhere I'm guaranteed to look everyday, so I fill my furniture with them lol
Stickers and journals omg. I don't try to collect them, there are just so many cute ones out there so it's hard to not buy them!
Glitter gel pens are my main weakness when it comes to stationery. I think that they're super pretty and I love to use them for writing letters or cards and for coloring books. I also make sure to keep stocked up on colored pencils, good quality ink pens for art, and good pencils for other art needs.

I also have way, way too many journals, notebooks, and sketchbooks that I'm slowly trying to work my way through. ;v; A lot of them were gifted to me, so I have that as a little bit of an excuse, but I'm definitely guilty of buying new ones even when I already have blank ones at home. I'll also get stickers on occasion, but I try to refrain unless I have a set purpose in mind for them.
I've collected stationary my whole life! I can't remember when I started. Mostly, I'll hoard journals, regular notebooks, fancy pens, heavy ink pens, stickers, and sticky notes.