What made you stop playing?

What really stopped me was boredom and school had just started, so I had to do all that. The nail in the coffin was New Super Mario Bros. Wii; I haven't touched it since.
I've started playing again now that I'm bored of every other game I've got but I stopped cause i got bored of it.
I didn't want to waste anymore time playing it (and it also got boring). I wanted to do other things than play video games all day.
Games like NSMBW,Rune Factory Frontier,MKW,Brawl, and Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing.
The wi-fi is much better because i stopped playing for months because of no one going online much.
lilypad said:
I didn't want to waste anymore time playing it (and it also got boring). I wanted to do other things than play video games all day.
Then what the hell are you doing on the internet?