Who gargles their spit? lmaoWhen someone gargles their spit, holds on to it for a while ...and..
swallows. ��
Wet bread D:
and Tik tok D:
men. the ones who honk at/yell from their car or try to get close to me and say dumb s like hey baby or nice ass. please choke : ))))))
TikTok.. basically any app/site that is wannabe influencer crap tbf.. and influencer culture in general
I cringe at people who think they’re hard because they have no empathy for others people. That just makes you a edgy normie.
Don’t trust people who do POV’s and call themselves influencers
Reminds me of one of the cringest things I know: YouTuber Drama!!
When someone gargles their spit, holds on to it for a while ...and..
- thinking that being emotionless/rude makes them "mysterious" and "cool" not just a ****
People who are like “my boyfriend won’t let me“