I would like to see possums as villagers. And like the majority here, I would also like to
see bats. Skunks would be kinda cool too, but not sure if they would make skunk villagers
if there is already a NPC who is a skunks. Would kinda sucks if certain species wouldn't
become villagers if there is already a NPC who is this kind of animal because they want
to keep the NPC "special" or something like this.
Oh, and my favorite villager species are squirrels.
Pretty much any species solely represented by fixed NPCs, like there being three otters and just one fox. I feel like there's some wasted potential in species that aren't actual villager classes. They have the models, so I'd like to see them go for something like this.
Tanukis/raccoons may be considered too, but this might be too synonymous with the closest character to a pre-Isabelle mascot in Tom.