What new species would you like to see in the next game?

Platypuses omg.....

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i'd love for them to add a few more personality types too

Plus, I'd like if each personality type could apply to both genders. Like lazy/cranky females and normal/uchi (big brother-y) males. It would be pretty rad.
I would love to see owls *--* !!
Thibou/Blathers <3

I'm afraid bringing too many things at the museum, because his blushing face is too precious and I don't want it to stop!!
Snakes. Yeah thats right, imagine how creepy it would be taking to a villager that cant stand up or maybe they would coil up and talk to you. Ok. I am ONLY KIDDING. lol But maybe foxes or turtles or raccoons. I know those kind of are only for like the special characters so far but I wouldn't mind.
I'd love to see otters and turtles and more pandas. Cute ones not like Chester or Chow
I really want more aquatic animals. I love love love jellyfish! but I kind of doubt that would ever happen sadly.
Since we have Julian, I want gryphon in next game:(

I second that 100%. That's an amazing idea. :) Maybe the inclusion of more fantasy-ish creatures? idk xD but not too far-fetched that AC becomes a diff genre entirely.

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hmm a sphinx would be really cool :D but i think that has the face of a human :/ so that's not really an animal, right? idk xD
Oh yes. Lizards, Turtles, Foxes, Camels, Seals, Bats, Sharks, Dolphins (we have Octopi, so why not), I could go on. Special Human NPCs could even be interesting.