What nicknames have your villagers given you?

The peppy villagers on my island love to hand out nicknames. I got dancer and subscriber from Merry, superstar
from Felicity. The worst one by far is Faboo which was Carmen's idea. Now half my island calls me Faboo, and I cringe every time I hear it. Raymond has called me Slick and Canape. Ankha called me gold star which I thought was cool. Mitzi started calling me M. Beans, but now calls me Faboo like almost everybody else. :mad: I can't wait to see what Punchy comes up with.
I'm trying to get unique nicknames from everyone, but it hasn't been triggering the "so what do you want to be called?" option.

Flora, Filbert, Lionel, and Sally are calling me "glitter".
Lolly and Purrl call me "lollipop".
Cherry calls me "cutie pie" (she wanted "chief", but I nixed it).
Gruff and Snake call me "half-pint". I'm good with Gruff using it, but trying to get Snake to move on.
Dobie calls me "peanut". I don't hate it, but something a little more grandpa-like would be nice.
Merengue calls me Lollipop and Cupcake. Mint called me Faboo. Judy calls me...Glitter? For some reason lol. My other villagers don't really use nicknames often but when they do it's usually one of these!
Clay has called me Prof. Pie and boss. He actually gave me those nicknames, then my nickname changed (I think "shmoopy" was a recent one) and then Clay wanted me to be called Prof. Pie again. And then he changed it to boss again.
Clay has given me the same nicknames twice. I don't get it.
I mostly stuck with picking my own and having it match the ingame name (Tink) until some villager suggested T-kins. Which is almost an anagram of my nickname, (and a total anagram of stink, but shhhh), and I liked it... that one has spread across the island, and I haven't had any villager come up to me with a new/better one yet.

I love it so much. Just about every day a new villager will come running up to me like "oh man I have to tell you about this perfect new nickname I thought up!" And I always deny them the opportunity. For weeks and weeks most of my villagers were calling me Mountain... I'm not taking any chances.
Many of them are calling me Baruch Ata, which means "bless you" in Hebrew. I believe I gave one of them that, thinking they were asking for a catch phrase. :confused: Sometimes it works as a nickname. However, I am in the process of requesting Silver Girl for a nickname, so will certainly see others picking up on that. Soon, I hope...
First off, nicknames are based on villager personalities- if you get a lot of food nicknames, you're apparently getting them from villagers who like food nicknames (normals and lazies tend to favor them, IIRC).

Anyway, currently several of my villagers call me "kit-kat" which is a custom nickname I chose. I used to let them call me whatever... but I eventually got sick of everyone calling me different, totally random things 😅 Marina suggested "lollipop", though, and I just couldn't say no to that. And then Shep asked if he could call me that, too, so they now I'm lollipop to those two!

I like that...it's better than "lungwort".I've also been referred to as chef,rambler,cruiser,spud and the always popular shmoopy.
First off, nicknames are based on villager personalities- if you get a lot of food nicknames, you're apparently getting them from villagers who like food nicknames (normals and lazies tend to favor them, IIRC).

Anyway, currently several of my villagers call me "kit-kat" which is a custom nickname I chose. I used to let them call me whatever... but I eventually got sick of everyone calling me different, totally random things 😅 Marina suggested "lollipop", though, and I just couldn't say no to that. And then Shep asked if he could call me that, too, so they now I'm lollipop to those two!
Is there a list somewhere that has the nicknames per personality? o: no wonder I get mostly food nicknames, half of my island is normal & lazies lol
Okay so idk if this counts, cause I really really want a switch so I can play ACNH, but I do have a bunch of nicknames in ACNL
Some of them are:
"Belle T"
and Zucker calls me "hottie"

I like that...it's better than "lungwort".I've also been referred to as chef,rambler,cruiser,spud and the always popular shmoopy.
Omg sunflower!!!! That’s a great one! Rambler sounds like a mean nickname like you ramble too much 😢
Is there a list somewhere that has the nicknames per personality? o: no wonder I get mostly food nicknames, half of my island is normal & lazies lol
Here's a list of possible nicknames! Huh... it doesn't say anything about personalities, maybe it doesn't make a difference? I've just noticed that my jocks tend to suggest sports things, peppies like popstar and cutesy stuff, lazies like food, and normals seem to like food (specifically sweet foods, like pastries and candies). I just assumed it was based on personality... I guess I could be wrong, but I still think it makes a difference.
Omg sunflower!!!! That’s a great one! Rambler sounds like a mean nickname like you ramble too much 😢
Yeah,I really like "sunflower".I wasn't expecting Gala to come up with that.The first time they wanted to call me "rambler" it reminded me of that defunct car company that built boring cars that were popular with senior citizens.Here's a 1962 Rambler American Deluxe:

Here's a list of possible nicknames! Huh... it doesn't say anything about personalities, maybe it doesn't make a difference? I've just noticed that my jocks tend to suggest sports things, peppies like popstar and cutesy stuff, lazies like food, and normals seem to like food (specifically sweet foods, like pastries and candies). I just assumed it was based on personality... I guess I could be wrong, but I still think it makes a difference.
I feel like you might be right too but I haven’t seen a list yet! Maybe I’ll check the guidebook for once hahaha thanks for the list! 💕

Yeah,I really like "sunflower".I wasn't expecting Gala to come up with that.The first time they wanted to call me "rambler" it reminded me of that defunct car company that built boring cars that were popular with senior citizens.Here's a 1962 Rambler American Deluxe:

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Oh wow I’ve never heard of Rambler cars before! Sunflower definitely seems like an upgrade from rambler haha 😆