What Prestige are you? MW2

66 1st, but the only time I ever play is occasionally to have a game with friends.
MrCrazyDavis said:
Kid Icarus said:
You cant balme people for ragequitting because TBH this is the 2nd worst call of duty game
I feel that this IS the worst COD game.
Nah, best story mode by far, but worst multiplayer.
MW2 > COD WAW for the Wii

Oops, not COD 4, it's actually good.
Horus said:
Just a small fact I saw;

The haters are 1st and under while the defenders are 7th+, then the ragequitter is in the middle.
Aww I'm a ragequitter.

I primarily play online Private. 3rd 47.
No, MW2 is not the worst, CoD3 is and that is a fact.
David said:
Pear said:
MrCrazyDavis said:
Kid Icarus said:
You cant balme people for ragequitting because TBH this is the 2nd worst call of duty game
I feel that this IS the worst COD game.
Nah, best story mode by far, but worst multiplayer.
CoD 4 had a better plot with less holes in it.:p
I agree. MW2 was too short and there was so many plotholes.
Gnome said:
David said:
Pear said:
MrCrazyDavis said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
Nah, best story mode by far, but worst multiplayer.
CoD 4 had a better plot with less holes in it.:p
I agree. MW2 was too short and there was so many plotholes.
Shepherds voice was enough to make me like the MW2 campaign more.
Caleb said:
Gnome said:
David said:
Pear said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep far, but worst multiplayer.
CoD 4 had a better plot with less holes in it.:p
I agree. MW2 was too short and there was so many plotholes.
Shepherds voice was enough to make me like the MW2 campaign more.
HAH. That's the worst reason ever. Why? He's in both.
Gnome said:
David said:
Pear said:
MrCrazyDavis said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
Nah, best story mode by far, but worst multiplayer.
CoD 4 had a better plot with less holes in it.:p
I agree. MW2 was too short and there was so many plotholes.

CoD4 by far is the best CoD game. Except on Wii, where all shooter games are destined to suck.
...What's soooo bad about MW2? Hm?

OMA/tubes; Hardly anybody uses it that I see.
Danger Close; okay you die from a tube how do you know that the person had DC?
Commando; Get over it. WAHHHH I GOT KNFIED WAHHH Knife them first. :|
Bad spawning; Every CoD has this problem.

Multiplayer only;
1 MW2; Cool guns, and maps, tons of game modes, Call-tags and emblems!
2 MW1; Cool Maps, I liked it.
3 CoD2; First CoD online game I played. liked the maps sorta it was good.
4 W@W; Dogs sucked maps sucked tanks.
5 CoD3; Guns sucked, maps sucked tanks, no knifes.
6 CoD; Barely anything no ranking up, no knife no good maps nothing.
SSgt. Garrett said:
...What's soooo bad about MW2? Hm?

OMA/tubes; Hardly anybody uses it that I see. then you dont play much
Danger Close; okay you die from a tube how do you know that the person had DC? watch the kill cam
Commando; Get over it. WAHHHH I GOT KNFIED WAHHH Knife them first. :| how can you knife them first when they skip 15 frames and appear right in front of you?
Bad spawning; Every CoD has this problem. not as bad as mw2

Multiplayer only;
1 MW2; Cool guns (theyre unbalanced), and maps (MAPS SUCK), tons of game modes (only good exclusive gamemode is demo), Call-tags and emblems!
2 MW1; Cool Maps, I liked it.
3 CoD2; First CoD online game I played. liked the maps sorta it was good.
4 W@W; Dogs sucked maps sucked tanks.
5 CoD3; Guns sucked, maps sucked tanks, no knifes.
6 CoD; Barely anything no ranking up, no knife no good maps nothing.
Read the the entire MW2 thread i made for all the other problems with the guns.