What scars/permenant injuries do you have

When climbing over a TV to collect a frisbee that was slightly too aerodynamic, I got this massive-ass gash that went so deep I could see the white in the flesh. It's healing now, but the memory sure as hell won't.
I have an ankward scar on my left arm near my veins. (Curse my 12 year old curiosity.)
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I have realllll bad self-harm scars. :/ Like, they're cotton scars and red scars and kinda what looks like burn scars even though I didn't burn myself. ;-;
I have a bunch of random scars all over my body that I have no idea how I got lol.
I have a permanent scar on my neck. It was from a neck abscess blocking my breathing pipe. I almost died in the hospital, but it was drained just in time. This was back in March 2016.
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Just a crescent-shaped scar under one of my eyes. It’s hard to see unless you notice it, though.
I have 3 scars on my left knee from surgery earlier this year (if yall remember, I broke my patella and did some other serious damage).
But it's definitely doing much better now; I have much of my strength back, I can balance just fine, and my range of motion is almost completely normal.

But I still have that large scar down the front of my knee... reminds me of a very tough time in my life...
Okey this is a strange list

I stabbed myself in the head with a pencil im 1st grade, and i have a dent in my skull XD ( i was 6)

Now more dramatic...

My "mom" ( my real parents are unknown and im in my second adopted family im much happier) beat me alot so i have matching scars on my shoulders, one on my right eye, and a few more on my back.

Less dramatic ( funny)

I fell through a diving board and scarred my leg last year! Lol the scar looks like a corn
I have a tiny blister on one of my fingers, I don't remember how I got it though. Also a few spots from acne but they're not that noticeable unless you're looking closely. Otherwise, I don't think I have any scars or serious injuries, I guess I've been lucky.
I have a crescent-shaped scar under my right eye from when I got hit in the eye with a baseball while wearing my glasses. I've had it for many years and it's very faint now, but I can still see it if I look for it.

I also have two tiny white scars under my chin from when I fell and landed on the corner of a table as a toddler.

Finally, I have a deep diagonal scar across the inside of my right index finger from where I cut myself on a glass bottle.