what season does your island look best in?


♫no money, no boyfriend♫
Jul 17, 2018
each season gives your island a different color palette. which one goes best with your island decor?

mine looks best in summer, with the dark green grass and when hydrangeas are in bloom. i have a lot of purple, white, and pink flowers which look really nice against that grass color, and hydrangeas are my only permanent bushes. spring is a close runner up, especially during cherry blossom season!

fall was probably the worst season for my island, i wasn't a fan of the orange or yellow-green grass colors.

winter is alright, but i don't like how my flowers look against the snow. it looks great with the illuminated items though, which is nice since i've decorated with those a lot!
Fall was definitely my least favourite in game, even though it's my favourite irl. :LOL: I didn't like the way my flowers looked with the brown grass.

During cherry blossom season I just loved all the pink trees and petals in the air, but I had less decor at the time. I think my town looks really nice in the winter. Maybe it's because the illuminated items are so pretty.
My island looks best in spring and summer because the main feature is that I have flowers everywhere. It looked okay in the fall. I actually forgot how green the grass used to be until I visited my dream address which I had saved in the summer. I don’t mind the fall colors, I was just excited to see the trees and grass change colors because I dont get to see that in real life. Currently I love how the snow looks on my island, but my flowers look weird. I can’t get rid of them though because my island would be empty.
I assumed mine was going to be winter...but comparatively it's actually turning out to be summer.
I would say it looks best in spring , summer, and at the start of Autumn when the trees are orangey and green. I have different color flowers all around. Not really a particular color scheme with flowers, but they all seem to look nice mixed in with the weeds for those seasons.

I don’t really like the look of how the island looks in winter. I also don’t like how it looks the end of Autumn when the trees turn bright red. I actually teleported back to a nicer season and have been missing all the holiday events 😬
I’m in the middle of still decorating the island and those seasons are throwing me off.
My island looks best in the spring and summer. I feel like some areas of my island clash when it's fall. In winter it looks ok but it's not my favorite season.
in my opinion, my island looked best in spring and summer! i’ve got colourful flowers everywhere, a rainbow brick path and a mixture of bright + earth-toned furnitures scattered around, which i think all looked really pretty with the vibrancy of spring and summer. :)
Right now it looks best in winter. I love the snow and frosty trees and hedges. But, I'm also doing a massive rehaul of my island so I just happen to be redoing everything in winter.

I also change the decor of my island seasonally, so it is going to be a challenge to find a season where some part of my island doesn't look nice in.
That's hard to say. I think any season works for my town, but I'm especially loving the winter look.
I am really loving my island in the winter. The snow looks really good against my stone bridges and purple hyacinths. I also try to choose villagers with light pastel houses.
I'm not entirely sure. I change my decor with the seasons, but you can't really change flowers. To be honest, I just have flowers everywhere, all different colors, so it's kind of weird. I need to clean up the flowers and all, I just don't want to lose them all and have to start over or whatever. Why can't we store plants?!

I didn't really start getting into decorating my island until very late in the summer. But I absolutely love what I've done with each season so far. September was all about harvesty things, with hay beds and scarecrows, barrels and wood benches/chairs. Then when we got the Halloween update, I went crazy with the Spooky stuff too, swapping out my regular scarecrows for the spooky ones. I added and changed a lot with that. Then in November I got rid of most of the spooky stuff, kept lanterns and towers and turned them off and turned them around so that they were harvesty. Got mushroom stuff all over. Now in December, I have a ton of ice stuff out. I still have some mush logs, because they sort of look festive with everything, but I did get rid of the parasols I had all over my island. And instead of hay beds and stuff like that I have pillars and other ice things.

So far I've really enjoyed everything that I've done with my island, and I think that I've made it look pretty nice each time. I'm already trying to plan out what I want to do for January and February, when I finally take down the Christmas things. I already know I want to turn my main room in my house into a cozy cabin sort of vibe. Spring will be super interesting when I have to take down all of the ice stuff. I have absolutely no clue how I'm going to re-decorate my island to keep it at five stars once that happens.
Mine looks best in the summer or fall. My island is covered in dirt paths so it looks kinda drab in the winter.
mine looks best in the summer I think. the lovely bright green grass against the vibrant pink/purple/blue/orange hybrids is such a pretty contrast!
I would say winter, it gives my island a some kind of cozy atmosphere and certain areas looking nice while they are covered by the snow. While I cycled out villagers, I time traveled back to summer and noticed that my island looks a bit strange with all that green, mainly caused by the hedges I used around the villager houses and shops (I don't wanna get rid off them however since I love the hedges).
My Island looks best in Spring and Fall. Too lazy to time travel and take photos to show, but I love how my Island look in both those seasons, and all of the patterns I have match with the color palettes.

My island looks the worst in winter, which probably explains why I dont to play my game during that time. I can't wait to see green again 🥺
my town looks great in summer due to the vibrant colors of the grass + nature !!

my town is inspired by totoro/ghibli scenery, and so the shades of green most closely resemble what I want during the summer months! <3
Definitely summer. I've been stuck in the fall-winter months too long, so finally being in summer is so nice. I want my hibiscus bushes to bloom.
Spring/Summer. It makes more sense as the game takes place in a paradisiacal island. With myy island being located in the southern hemisphere, it just makes more sense to treat it as a tropical island, and in this case, it's actually kinda weird that we get snowfall at all haha.