Rewatching Star vs the Forces of Evil with the friend, since she hasn't seen the final season and we want to rewatch it. Great show. I'm also supposed to be watching My Hero Academia but i'm lazy
omg me too lol but it's very........... weird idk lol
also watch community pretty randomly from time to time, been watching a lot of movies tho just finished extraction it's a great movie loved the cinematography
Today I started watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I've never seen any of it before but heard good things, so I've got a lot to get caught up on.
Recently finished watching Friends, and started on The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air on Netflix yesterday. I still have to get used to the show as I haven't seen it in quite some time, but some parts were still fun(ny), and I hope that'll last.
I'm watching season seven of New Journey to the West at the moment. It's one of my favorite Korean variety shows, but I've been slacking on watching Korean shows lately, so it's nice to catch up~
i'm watching old episodes of red dwarf (a science-fiction sitcom)~ i saw the recent special that was brought out + the documentary about how it was filmed and it was really funny- recommend !
I finished up season 2 of Supernatural the other day, so I decided to watch Hollywood next since it was just released and is only like 7 episodes. I'm 2 episodes in and so far it's pretty good.