What series are you currently watching?

I've started watching a disney show called The Owl House!!

It's really interesting, I haven't been interested in an animated show in a long long time, probably since Gravity Falls.

Most shows I watch are crime shows or house hunting shows!! I love seeing the different countries and areas that people can live in for various prices, it makes me feel a bit more ambitious heheh
I'm rewatching Degrassi again. My go-to when I need something in the background.
I'm about to start a rewatch of Revolutionary Girl Utena and Avatar The Last Airbender!
I finished watching Gargoyles today. Such an excellent series and kind of dark for a Disney show, which is one of the things I liked about it.

Next I'm starting up Bonkers, which I have never seen before but my husband used to watch it and picked it. It seems fun so far.
Started rewatching shows like Drake and Josh, iCarly, Suite Life, and Hannah Montana.
All are pretty great shows.
Ive been binge watching friends (i love it) and the other day I started watching YOU and then i watched the entirety of I Am Not Okay With This
My husband and I have been watching a lot of different things, lately it's been : Lost, The O.C., Stargate SG-1, Scrubs, and The Office (US) of course
I'm switching between the final seasons of Clone Wars and Rebels. Just some great Star Wars in both. The opening spaces battle in Rebels S4E9 "Rebel Assault" is just beautiful to watch in HD. The characters are still a bit cartoon-like but the ships and backgrounds look great.
Just started Avatar: The Last Airbender since it's on netflix! So far -- it's amazing!

I'm also pretty much constantly watching The Dick Van **** Show, and I started rewatching The Mary Tyler Moore Show a little while ago.
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I watched seasons 1 & 2 of Infinity Train, I liked it a lot. It's like a mix of Stranger Things, Adventure Time and Spirited Away. I really love the backgrounds and new locations in every episode. The entire premise features changing locations, so if you like when shows can come up with different bizarre worlds you'll love a show like this.

I actually prefer season two to season 1 because (light spoilers) they change perspectives and focus entirely on another character's arc. In fact, I like that they wrap up the season with a character's arc finishing and continuing on with another character. I haven't started season 3 yet so I don't know if they check in with the other characters again I think leaving it up to the viewer to imaging the rest of the story is a good way to leave off. And the mirror guys were a genius concept for villains.
I finished season 6 part 1 of Viking. Now I just have to wait for the final 10 episodes.

In the meantime, I'm watching the latest seasons of Flash and Arrow that recently came to Netflix.
I'm watching a short series called McMillions, which are 6 episodes about a guy who scammed the McDonalds Monopoly.
Very interesting, but I find so far that the story just passes on so slowly throughout each episode.