What should l do to get up to 4k TBT fast?


Nov 6, 2017
Oblivia's Ugly Christmas Egg
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Aurora Sky
Red Super Star Trophy
Things l can't do to get TBT fast
selling furniture stuff in game
selling villagers
selling art
posting on threads
never doing that forever because its to slow
selling collectibles
another thing that is to slow because ppl doesn't care to buy one of them from me.
So all those things l can't do because l'm not popular enough and users would ignore my threads, imo that's what l'm guessing.
So does anyone else know how to get TBT fast without doing those things that l said that l can't do. Another thing l was thinking of is maybe post threads about a game or something.
beyond those, enter contests and pray you win

really, unless you have a highly desired rare collectible(s), you likely aren't gonna hit 4k in the blink of an eye
also do you earn TBT posting poll threads?

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beyond those, enter contests and pray you win

really, unless you have a highly desired rare collectible(s), you likely aren't gonna hit 4k in the blink of an eye

l just need the 4k for a moon ball that l been looking for months now, like 3 months.
idk why ppl want 4k for poke balls instead of 3k, cause it use to be 3k not 4k.
also do you earn TBT posting poll threads

you do, but the amount of tbt gained from them got cut down a while back to curb people spamming poll threads

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idk why ppl want 4k for poke balls instead of 3k, cause it use to be 3k not 4k.

because lol community market values

basic things like user activity+rarity+popularity affect prices, but overall, I wouldn't think too much on it

though in the case of the moon ball, it's also likely because of there now being less people willing to trade/sell theirs off than before. so prices bump up accordingly
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you do, but the amount of tbt gained from them got cut down a while back to curb people spamming poll threads

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because lol community market values

basic things like user activity+rarity+popularity affect prices, but overall, I wouldn't think too much on it

though in the case of the moon ball, it's also likely because of there now being less people willing to trade/sell theirs off than before. so prices bump up accordingly

yeah there this one user who made her offer higher which is 5k to buy a love ball and she still looking for her love ball. Surprise that no one never replied on her thread.
Quite honestly, the best way of making TBT is to either fully dedicate to in-game items (you got be very dedicated to take that route though, but it is very enjoyable for the right person [like RedTropicalPeachyFish]), collectibles, or artwork. Patience and experience are key to doing well in either of these avenues. For me personally, I took the route of selling collectibles because I don't have as much time as I used to since I have been job hunting (& I'm also playing New Leaf far less) and I enjoy making someone's day by providing a collectible they are looking for at a good value (plus I love the artistic properties of collectibles as well)! :D I say, find what works best for you and what you enjoy because making TBT is no longer work when you enjoy doing what you are doing! ;)
yeah there this one user who made her offer higher which is 5k to buy a love ball and she still looking for her love ball. Surprise that no one never replied on her thread.

on the plus side, I do feel that one or both of the balls will likely get rereleased during the next pokemon week, alongside some new variant(s)

no guarantees of course, but just based on how other weeks have been handled
Quite honestly, the best way of making TBT is to either fully dedicate to in-game items (you got be very dedicated to take that route though, but it is very enjoyable for the right person [like RedTropicalPeachyFish]), collectibles, or artwork. Patience and experience are key to doing well in either of these avenues. For me personally, I took the route of selling collectibles because I don't have as much time as I used to since I have been job hunting (& I'm also playing New Leaf far less) and I enjoy making someone's day by providing a collectible they are looking for at a good value (plus I love the artistic properties of collectibles as well)! :D I say, find what works best for you and what you enjoy because making TBT is no longer work when you enjoy doing what you are doing! ;)

well that's the thing l do like selling items in acnl, but when l make the threads, ppl never reply on them for weeks. Most of the time l just get one reply and that's it. Another thing Yuki's thread is so popular, ppl don't bother to reply on my threads. So yeah l stopped selling things long ago, anyways l'm tired of bumping those re-tail threads. And l only have on RV villager which is W.Link.
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Quite honestly, the best way of making TBT is to either fully dedicate to in-game items

I just wish the prices weren't *so* cheap myself, or this would be great for me

like I get why they are, but between all the hassle it takes getting my game to properly connect and stay connected as well as just the work to obtain the items.... just isn't worth it imo

also, dealing with the split of payment on the forums and goods exchanged in-game just kinda stresses me out way more than is necessary

basically, it's my firm opinion that in-game purchases should include a service fee on top of the items themselves
The fastest way to make thousands of TBT is by selling collectibles or art, but none of it comes without work. Selling art is a more practical form of hard work (IRL practice, establishing artist relationships, developing a style, running a shop), and selling collectibles becomes easier while teaching yourself to be patient. You'll probably have to wait until the next big TBT event (Easter!) and earn a rare collectible yourself, watch the market value for that collectible, and sell it when the price is right for you. Making 4k TBT takes a lot of time!
The fastest way to make thousands of TBT is by selling collectibles or art, but none of it comes without work. Selling art is a more practical form of hard work (IRL practice, establishing artist relationships, developing a style, running a shop), and selling collectibles becomes easier while teaching yourself to be patient. You'll probably have to wait until the next big TBT event (Easter!) and earn a rare collectible yourself, watch the market value for that collectible, and sell it when the price is right for you. Making 4k TBT takes a lot of time!

well l'm worried if ppl make a fun of my drawings and l only do animals and ik ppl rather to have anime humans instead.
so guys l only have 995 TBT
ik its not even close to 4k

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People like animals too, you never know til you try.

well l have been drawing for years but l need to get more active at drawing again and l feel like l'm rush a lot when there something like this which is having ppl to wait first and l have to make sure ppl don't get mad that l took forever to give them drawings.
if you can do good art i say thats the way to go!

hmm maybe l should try, but first l have 2have my sister to show me how to use the drawing art app, which might take time and get use to drawing on a computer.
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hmm maybe l should try, but first l have 2have my sister to show me how to use the drawing art app, which might take time and get use to drawing on a computer.

yeah i have a tablet and all but im terrible with art i also have a touch screen laptop but ive tried and its terrible...