What type of weather do you prefer?

What type of weather do you prefer?

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If I'm going outside, sunny and warm (but not too hot). If I'm inside, my absolute favourite is storm weather because you can be all nice and cosy while outside isn't!
Stormy and rain are my favorite types of weather. Almost nothing relaxes me quite like a good book with a storm in the background.
i live in ks its soooo hot plz just give me 50F ~ 70F ill be happy...i just had to cut my grass in 105F
Many people on this poll voted “cool”. Is this the weather you really like, or are you asking for it because of how hot it is right now?

Also, I realized I forgot to add “windy” to the poll. But windy makes cold weather worse.

If you want to know what the last two mean, freezing means 32? (which is 0?C) or lower, and very hot means 100? (which is 38?C) or higher.
I love storms on a hot day! I can?t stand the cold, but I live in a really cold place. I hope to move somewhere warmer eventually
100% dry and low humidity. Relatively cool or warm but not extremes of temperatures.

I've just spent the past week in 34C/93F temps and while it was enjoyable I don't think I'd like it in the long-term.
Definitely snowy or super cold weather. My absolute favorite type of weather! ^w^​
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There's no snow where I live now, but I actually really like it.
I guess where I'm living now, cool is good. Though, it's hot all the time here, unfortunately.
I like it when it's not too cold or hot with lower humidity.. anything probably under 25C will do.
A nice happy dad with a few clouds in the sky, the sun shining, and not too hot or too cold 🤩
I like cloudy days so it isn't too bright or too hot. I also like stormy days, windy days, and warm days.
I think a favorite of mine are those afternoons and or evenings in the summer or spring that are warm with those really tall white mountainous clouds in the sky. Where I live it is flat with open sky so it is a nice sight to see. They tend to show up a day or hours before storms come.
When it's sunny outside but not too hot, and there's a strong wind :love:
I also enjoy mild, cloudy days with no rain

But honestly any weather is fine as long as it's not raining or a heat wave :cautious: 17-22 °C is the perfect temp range for me
sunny, warm to hot, with a slight breeze. a breeze just enough to keep you cooled off but not chill you. i'm so excited for summer.
I like rainy days and absolutely love thunderstorms, but if I have to go to work in that then no way.
When its Cloudy and not so hot or cold. I am not an outdoor person, but that would be the type of weather I would want.