What villager have you changed your opinions of?

Cousteau! He's the only one I was kind of annoyed by at first who later became possibly my second or third favorite villager. I'm really not even sure what caused him to grow on me, but he did pretty quickly. I like his stache and his size, don't mind jocks and didn't know he wasn't new (I played AC:GC). So, he's new to me. :)
Flip was the first villager I talked to the day I arrived on my island. I immediately thought that he would not stay on my island for long because he’s a monkey and in New Leaf it was the species I hated the most. However, not only are monkeys prettier in general in New Horizons, but I became fond of Flip after a while and would never let him go now. :) He’s just too cute and I love his dialogue!
Flip was the first villager I talked to the day I arrived on my island. I immediately thought that he would not stay on my island for long because he’s a monkey and in New Leaf it was the species I hated the most. However, not only are monkeys prettier in general in New Horizons, but I became fond of Flip after a while and would never let him go now. :) He’s just too cute and I love his dialogue!
Flip and my sister share a birthday but she doesn't like the monkeys lol.
His poster is very cute though! It's like a Tanabata festival
Bill was my baby in New Leaf. I loved his face, his coloring, his exterior which matched PERFECTLY with my black roses. His interior wasn't to my taste so I would send him so much customized classic furniture which matched his coloring and I would buy up any odd furniture that didn't fit. However I found in New Horizons, he looks a bit off. His coloring is different, his eyes are less cute and I'm not a fan of his house, both the exterior and interior. Not really the correct term for this but it felt a little like "uncanny valley." Like some small tweaks made him unsettling and like it wasn't really my Bill??? I have a Kid Cat Amiibo so I tried him out but I didn't really make a connection either although I love his concept. I still needed a jock though. I wasn't a fan of any of the new villagers they introduced but I watch a lot of AC videos and I found Dom SO endearing. His facial expressions are hilarious and he really grew on me. I never thought I would have a sheep in my roster of villagers but he weaseled his way into my heart. Was not a big fan of Sherb either when I first saw him revealed but he was one of my natural move ins and he really grew on me too! He's now in the running for my lazy.
I didn't really like Cyrano at first in Wild World, but he grew on me and quickly became tied as my favorite. I got really excited when I ran into him yesterday looking for a new villager and I still love him.

not that i didn't like him, but i didn't care for him that much lol. it was when i first started my nl town and i was just like, i know who i'm gonna let move out first~ but i ended up liking him a lot! i'm a sucker for cranky villagers tbh, i should've known it would happen. i hope i find him again one day
I initially didn't like any of the uchi villagers in NL. They were okay at best. Come NH I found Fuchsia in my campsite early on, and I love love loved how better she was in a dress rather than her dark polka dot shirt in NL. She's a permanent now.
I also didn't care much for Lobo in the previous games, but for some reason in NH his appearance grew on me and now he's living on my island.

I never understood his hype. His fanbase were so annoying that I started to heavily dislike him. However, while island hopping, I came across him on the bamboo island and decided..why not? I invited him to the island and had a changed view of him. I befriended him and received his picture before he decided to leave. I gave him to another member on this forum and visited him when I went to that member's island. It reminded me that popularity isnt the fault of the villager. They are all loving and accepting if you give them a chance.
I remember seeing people talk about Pietro and how he was "creepy" cause he was a clown then I had an islander move out so I started looking into an islander I could adopt and I saw Pietro and thought he looked so cute :) I love having him around my island and talking to him and I like his colours :love:
my opinion of Raymond changed. I didn't used to hate him but I was kinda indifferent and didn't understand the amount of hype he had, but since having him on my island I certainly would get why someone would want him aha. he's one of the more interesting smugs I've had on my island.
the opposite for me would probably be Sherb. he's really cute but when I actually got him idk I just lost all interest.
Genji believe it or not. I never cared for him really and always preferred snake over him (I still do in some ways), but he definitely grew on me. He is a little cutie and I love his room, I will say its definitely better than snakes
I used to have Julian in NL and didn’t really vibe with him and decided it must be because of his eyes. Because of that I never really went out of my way to entertain other villagers with the same eye design. In NH, I got Stitches and just fell in love with him. I still haven’t let him go until now because I honestly can’t see living in my island without him in it.
Genji believe it or not. I never cared for him really and always preferred snake over him (I still do in some ways), but he definitely grew on me. He is a little cutie and I love his room, I will say its definitely better than snakes
genji's ears look like popcicle sticks to me for some reason. I love him and kubuki together
Diana. She gave me big mean girl vibes in NL but somewhere down the line ever since she moved in again in NH she gives wise yet dumb eccentric grandmacore vibes. sort of like Eda from the Owl House lol