I used to actually really dislike Merengue. I thought the strawberry horn was a step too far in her design. Was just not interested at all. I found her in an island trying to replace Wart Jr. (who I just can’t stand) and took a chance on her. I am so pleased with her! She’s great! Just a perfect fit for me and my island. It does run afoul of my 1 villager per species rule since I have Renée as well. I’ll be keeping Merengue though ( Renée is up for replacement).
I'm a 'was terrified of Pietro but now adore him' cliche. My rainbow clown boy is just really endearing and wholesome and I think he may live on Gont forever
Appearance-wise, Snake's face/shading looks very strange to me in NH & Anabelle's striking scale/plates are smoothed over & don't give a pangolin texture. Also, Drago's teeeeth: his mouth just doesn't have them anymore? What happened to him?? He opens his mouth & it's just the two fangs sticking out. I noticed this a while ago but it's bothering me more & more; I may have to let him move on even though I like him so much >.>
On the other hand, most villagers look amaaaaazing & the little paw prints are adorable
Oh & Patty, Mott, & Boots: I was neutral about them but they kept showing up on my mystery islands. The oh-no trio of mild frustrations :<
Appearance-wise, Snake's face/shading looks very strange to me in NH & Anabelle's striking scale/plates are smoothed over & don't give a pangolin texture. Also, Drago's teeeeth: his mouth just doesn't have them anymore? What happened to him?? He opens his mouth & it's just the two fangs sticking out. I noticed this a while ago but it's bothering me more & more; I may have to let him move on even though I like him so much >.>
On the other hand, most villagers look amaaaaazing & the little paw prints are adorable
Oh & Patty, Mott, & Boots: I was neutral about them but they kept showing up on my mystery islands. The oh-no trio of mild frustrations :<
Yeah they butchered Drago, gave him the rayquaza treatment. lol
For some reason I'm always running into Zucker, Marina, and Octavian on mystery islands but I have all their cards so it's kind of irritating
There are a lot of types of villagers I didn’t initially like or was not super excited about who I ended up loving.
the biggest example for me is probably Bangle. This is my first ac game, so I had no ideas of what specific villagers I might like the most or anything when I was island hopping for my original 3 move-ins. I didn’t have many tickets and I remember I didn’t want to invite Audie but was anxious about it because I looked her up and read she was popular (I knew very little and thought that might be based on something other than the random whims of normal popularity). Then I saw Bangle and I thought she was cute enough. I planned for quite a while to let her move out ASAP (and then once I found out about photos it became after I got her photo)
but then one day I just kind of realized that she was one of my favorite villagers and that she seemed somehow the most fun and was the one I looked most forward to seeing every day. So now she’s still with me, sharing the spotlight with Tabby and I can’t imagine letting her go.
others I like who I did not initially expect to like are :
Ike (Invited on a whim from the campsite and now my favorite cranky)
Charlise (came to my campsite, failed to get her to move in. I have really come in general to like the bears more)
Reneigh (had nothing against her but thought I just didn’t like the horses, then got her as a starter and she is now one of my favorites.)
Flip (I had never thought of him at all then got him as a starter at the same time as Reneigh and love him - as a bonus I love that he is a jock without the fitness hobby)
Fauna ( thought she was boring but she came to my campsite and was actually super cute!)
Mac - (I was trying to advise someone on here whose Mac was moving out when they didn’t want him to, and looking at pics of him somehow just made me think I might actually like him and think he was cute not ugly. And now I have him on my second island and I love him, his grumpy face and his ‘woo woof’ s.)
gosh there are too many! Others include: Maggie, Wendy, Eloise, Ursala, Antonio, Walker, Wade.
I keep liking more and more villagers and it causes me problems, because I need more villager spots!
(as for Judy, I would say she looks like a Lisa Frank care bear, guest starring in Sailor Moon (or another 80s shojo anime))
Appearance-wise, Snake's face/shading looks very strange to me in NH & Anabelle's striking scale/plates are smoothed over & don't give a pangolin texture. Also, Drago's teeeeth: his mouth just doesn't have them anymore? What happened to him?? He opens his mouth & it's just the two fangs sticking out. I noticed this a while ago but it's bothering me more & more; I may have to let him move on even though I like him so much >.>
On the other hand, most villagers look amaaaaazing & the little paw prints are adorable
Oh & Patty, Mott, & Boots: I was neutral about them but they kept showing up on my mystery islands. The oh-no trio of mild frustrations :<
Is Anabelle supposed to be a pangolin?! I thought she was an armadillo! (Not that that necessarily has any impact on the point you are making - except maybe it proves it)
Yeah they butchered Drago, gave him the rayquaza treatment. lol
For some reason I'm always running into Zucker, Marina, and Octavian on mystery islands but I have all their cards so it's kind of irritating
It’s because the mystery island ‘roll’ (ie randomly choose) species first, and there are only 3 octopus in the game! So whereas if it rolls for ‘cat’ there are a bunch to choose from, if it chooses octopus it has to be one of those 3. So you actually have a higher probability of finding a a specific octopus than finding a specific cat.
cows would be similar, from what I understand, the game considers them a separate species from the bulls and there are only 4 of them. Maybe that is why everyone seems to find Patty so much!
There are a lot of types of villagers I didn’t initially like or was not super excited about who I ended up loving.
the biggest example for me is probably Bangle. This is my first ac game, so I had no ideas of what specific villagers I might like the most or anything when I was island hopping for my original 3 move-ins. I didn’t have many tickets and I remember I didn’t want to invite Audie but was anxious about it because I looked her up and read she was popular (I knew very little and thought that might be based on something other than the random whims of normal popularity). Then I saw Bangle and I thought she was cute enough. I planned for quite a while to let her move out ASAP (and then once I found out about photos it became after I got her photo)
but then one day I just kind of realized that she was one of my favorite villagers and that she seemed somehow the most fun and was the one I looked most forward to seeing every day. So now she’s still with me, sharing the spotlight with Tabby and I can’t imagine letting her go.
others I like who I did not initially expect to like are :
Ike (Invited on a whim from the campsite and now my favorite cranky)
Charlise (came to my campsite, failed to get her to move in. I have really come in general to like the bears more)
Reneigh (had nothing against her but thought I just didn’t like the horses, then got her as a starter and she is now one of my favorites.)
Flip (I had never thought of him at all then got him as a starter at the same time as Reneigh and love him - as a bonus I love that he is a jock without the fitness hobby)
Fauna ( thought she was boring but she came to my campsite and was actually super cute!)
Mac - (I was trying to advise someone on here whose Mac was moving out when they didn’t want him to, and looking at pics of him somehow just made me think I might actually like him and think he was cute not ugly. And now I have him on my second island and I love him, his grumpy face and his ‘woo woof’ s.)
gosh there are too many! Others include: Maggie, Wendy, Eloise, Ursala, Antonio, Walker, Wade.
I keep liking more and more villagers and it causes me problems, because I need more villager spots!
(as for Judy, I would say she looks like a Lisa Frank care bear, guest starring in Sailor Moon (or another 80s shojo anime))
Post automatically merged:
Is Anabelle supposed to be a pangolin?! I thought she was an armadillo! (Not that that necessarily has any impact on the point you are making - except maybe it proves it)
It’s because the mystery island ‘roll’ (ie randomly choose) species first, and there are only 3 octopus in the game! So whereas if it rolls for ‘cat’ there are a bunch to choose from, if it chooses octopus it has to be one of those 3. So you actually have a higher probability of finding a a specific octopus than finding a specific cat.
cows would be similar, from what I understand, the game considers them a separate species from the bulls and there are only 4 of them. Maybe that is why everyone seems to find Patty so much!
It’s because the mystery island ‘roll’ (ie randomly choose) species first, and there are only 3 octopus in the game! So whereas if it rolls for ‘cat’ there are a bunch to choose from, if it chooses octopus it has to be one of those 3. So you actually have a higher probability of finding a a specific octopus than finding a specific cat.
cows would be similar, from what I understand, the game considers them a separate species from the bulls and there are only 4 of them. Maybe that is why everyone seems to find Patty so much!
A lot of them. When I first had Maple, I thought she was boring, but now I think she's adorable. I wish I could have Monty back, because I didn't appreciate him. First time I had Kabuki, I didn't like him at all but I do now. Ditto for Octavian. I also wasn't crazy about ostriches but now I have Cranston, Julia, Blanche, and Gladys and love them all. They have lovely, detailed designs.
I had Cole and Katt in New Leaf and I liked them but wound up giving them away to other players.New Horizons Cole and Katt,on the other hand, aren't going anywhere.They both pretty much look the same but there's just something about their current examples that is so much better than before.
Opinion changed heavily for me on Alfonso when I first started playing New Leaf and he was one of my starters. I had never taken any notice of him beforehand, and I didn't care for the alligators. But what do you know, now he is my all-time favourite baby and I can't play a AC game without him. (Luckily I have his amiibo card).
Dobie is another villager who I have recently fallen in love with. One of my friends has him on her island, and when I went to visit her one day, she introduced me to all her villagers. I hadn't ever really given Dobie much of a chance in the past, because my favourite wolves are the popular ones like Skye and Wolfgang. But the more I visited the little old man on my friends island, the more I fell in love with him. I think it's so cute that he's considered a grandpa. I haven't had the chance to properly connect with him since he's not on my island. But I'm obsessed with him now XD
Here's a few other villagers that I have recently started to love- Won't go into the reasons to save some reading time XD
Opinion changed heavily for me on Alfonso when I first started playing New Leaf and he was one of my starters. I had never taken any notice of him beforehand, and I didn't care for the alligators. But what do you know, now he is my all-time favourite baby and I can't play a AC game without him. (Luckily I have his amiibo card).
Dobie is another villager who I have recently fallen in love with. One of my friends has him on her island, and when I went to visit her one day, she introduced me to all her villagers. I hadn't ever really given Dobie much of a chance in the past, because my favourite wolves are the popular ones like Skye and Wolfgang. But the more I visited the little old man on my friends island, the more I fell in love with him. I think it's so cute that he's considered a grandpa. I haven't had the chance to properly connect with him since he's not on my island. But I'm obsessed with him now XD
Here's a few other villagers that I have recently started to love- Won't go into the reasons to save some reading time XD
Alphonso has a... divisive aesthetic. lol My sister had him and didn't care for him until he gave her the "pizza is yes" spiel and then she fell in love.
Dobie is awesome, he's living on my island right now and I love this cranky old man. He wears a base ball cap when it's the fishing tourney and it's adorable. Just an old man gone fishin'
Kiki. I just don’t know about her. I really liked her in new leaf. I keep bringing her over to new horizon but each time I can’t get used to her. It’s sad too because I really want to like her. I decorated her area really nice, but I can’t get used to her. I liked her but now I’m not too sure.
Kiki. I just don’t know about her. I really liked her in new leaf. I keep bringing her over to new horizon but each time I can’t get used to her. It’s sad too because I really want to like her. I decorated her area really nice, but I can’t get used to her. I liked her but now I’m not too sure.
I feel the same, I think it's the shape of her mouth and the red lips that bug me, I've had a lot of black cats and I loved Kiki's delivery service so I want to like her but I just don't.
I also wish Rizzo was better, I love the Muppets and he's just nothing like the Muppet Rizzo.
I feel the same, I think it's the shape of her mouth and the red lips that bug me, I've had a lot of black cats and I loved Kiki's delivery service so I want to like her but I just don't.
Right? I actually made her area a post office because of that
That’s why I want to keep her! Kikis delivery service.
For me it’s the coloring. Most of my villagers are black or grey and Kikis color is blueish.
I had these villagers in new leaf and her color matched them nicely. She had a different hue in new leaf. Now in new horizons she is very noticeable against my other villagers. I don’t like that.
Right? I actually made her area a post office because of that
That’s why I want to keep her! Kikis delivery service.
For me it’s the coloring. Most of my villagers are black or grey and Kikis color is blueish.
I had these villagers in new leaf and her color matched them nicely. She had a different hue in new leaf. Now in new horizons she is very noticeable against my other villagers. I don’t like that.
with zucker, while i never hated him, i definitely didn’t understand his appeal for quite some time,, but i’m really glad that nh changed that for me. i ran into him during one of my first island hop sessions and to be honest, the only reason that i invited him was because i knew he was popular and i was hoping to make a profit off of him at some point >_<. however, that obviously didn’t go to plan and now, i am so, so attached to the little guy. he practically radiates childhood innocence and i can’t believe that i slept on him for so long; he’s absolutely precious and i just,, love him a lot.
hoo boy. back in new leaf, pietro was one of the only villagers that i absolutely hated; i’m not too sure what my problem was but my hatred ran so deep that i swore to delete my entire town if he were to ever move in . during the first few months of new horizons, i still wasn’t really fond of him,, granted, i no longer hated him at all but he wasn’t one of my favourites yet, either. ,,,i’m not entirely sure what happened but one day, a switch must’ve flipped or something because suddenly i loved him. i've grown to adore how unique he is and while i don’t really like the smugs in general, i’d definitely love to have him on my island at one point. i’m glad that my initial hatred wore off as he’s honestly such a cool little guy!
and i think that’s it!! my preferences and opinions have definitely fluctuated over the years but these are the only ones that i did a full 180 for. :’^)
Gruff for sure. I was really put off by his random move in at the start, but I ended up finding his design and personality charming.
Another character is Mitzi, who looks horrifying in New Leaf and Pocket Camp, but the New Horizons more round design ended up smoothing her out, she's very pleasent to have around.