What Villager Personalities Does Your Island Have?

I have a lot of Lazy, jock and sisterly islanders on my island those all tend to be my favourite personality's.
I try to have at least one of every villager type personality, but it is very difficult as I really like the look and the interior homes of the normal and peppy ones the most. I also have to actively make sure to have ONE cranky villager, so far that role is filled by Walt :3
My favorite villagers are lazy so I have 3, then 2 smug boys and just one of each personality except for crankys...not a great equilibrium but I want to have animals I really like on my island 😭
I got an island of musical boys,

(Yes, Smug is my favorite personality lol)


Kid Cat

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Variety is the spice of life, so I will always have at least 1 of the personalities. My 2 extra personalities are usually jock (Sprocket and Sterling) and smug (Phil and Keaton), but depending on my mood, they may be switched out for an extra normal (Gladys) or peppy (Twiggy or Sprinkle).

Smug's probably my favorite for males, so I don't mind. Jock used to be my least favorite, but NH's lazies talk about bugs so much to the point it's obnoxious.
Here are the current villagers in my island:

Normal: Ava and Megan
Peppy: Apple and Sprinkle
Snooty: Judy
Smug: Roswell, Julian, and Eugene
Lazy: Beau and Sherb

I'm fond of peppy and lazy villagers, so I'll keep them. I just want Ava and Roswell to move out. Even though I like Jocks, I don't have any of them on my island.
I have one of each personality type, with 2 smugs and 2 lazies. I love the smugs and I'd like to have more, but I also want to make sure I have enough variety.