What was the first console you have ever owned?

My first console was a Game Boy Micro, which I got when I was about 6 or 7... I still have it, and the thing holds a charge for like 12 Hours of play
The N64 was the first console my sister and I got, so it was shared. But the first console I ever owned myself was the green GameBoy Colour.
My first console was the original NES. Honestly, I don't remember it much; by the time I was old enough to hold onto memories, I was already playing the SNES, but my parents informed me I played the NES itself quite a lot before they got an SNES.
The first console I "owned" was a Sega Genesis. It was actually my brother's and I was allowed to use it sometimes and inherited it when he moved away from video games a bit as he got older. The first ones I owned myself were the Game Boy Color and shortly thereafter the Nintendo 64.
My first console was the Play Station 2, and first Nintendo console was the Wii ~
Playstation one as far as tv consoles go, and gameboy color for handhelds!
Atari was my first console and I wasn't so proud of it upon learning that there was something much better around my town.
Gameboy Color in pink. I had Pokemon Yellow with it, and man, I loved that thing. Even when the little battery cover just fell right off.
the first console i ever owned was an NES. i traded it in for a gameboy after a couple of years, and i still sorta regret it. i've still got my red gameboy though, and it's in working condition and everything.
My first console was the original nintendo ds. Uncle bought it for me with a few gameboy games and I loved it. First DS game I got for it was super mario 64. I still have the games and the ds but it's broken now because I had to share it with my brother and he dropped it so many times the top screen stopped working. Still turns on though!
N64! <3

Then it was Gameboy Color, PS2, Wii & 3DS.
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I'm pretty sure that my mom had an N64 for much of my early childhood, from before I was born in 1999 until around when I was 3-4 years old. If not that, the probably a PS1.

The first console I personally owned was a DS lite.
it was either the ps2 or gameboy color, I forgot which one came first for me
I cant remember if it was the n64 or the playstation that i had first, either way, both were very influential in my childhood :)

The first console I played was the SEGA Genesis, but the first one I owned was the SEGA Dreamcast. I played Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Shuffle, Rayman 2: The Great Escape, 101 Dalmations, and other games on it. We still have it in our house and play it from time to time.
I think my first console was either my gamecube or gameboy advance. the older i get (tbh i'm only 21) the more hazy and blurred together my childhood is lol.