What was the first console you have ever owned?

A guy who used to babysit me when I was like 4 gave me his old Gameboy Colour to shut me up and he forgot to take it back so I guess that was my first console
My father had a lot of Nintendo consoles but the first console I played was the Wii, which I played for hours on end. Then I got a DSi
Myself, Gameboy Color. Think we had a PS1 before or around that time too around the house though.
Original Gameboy, YEAH I'M OLD :3

I bought an original nintendo ds with nintendogs with my own money. :) (n64 was technically my brothers. but it's mine now sucker)
My dad gave us one of his old consoles.. which was the Sega Saturn. That probably counts for the first console I've ever owned! :p
PS2. I gave it to my cousins and played it with them like 8 years later but then it broke lol.