The last package I received were

I bought my little kitten pyjamas for the cold.

Until it's Winter, they'll be kept and fold.

I can't wait you wear them and be hold,

in my arms and sweet things told.

I will tell my kitten "snuggle close"

and I will kiss her nose to nose.

She'll be warm, ears to toes

in these cute and fuzzy clothes.

When we wake, we'll open gifts

and 'tween my legs my kitten sits.

Bundled snug, my arms she fits

and I keep my kitten kissed.

Put them on again, when time to sleep.

In the cuddles of my warmth my kitten keep.

Maaaaybe just a tickle, just a little squeak.

Nanite, pyjama kitten,
MUAH, right on the cheek.