Pokémon What was your first main series Pokemon Game?

First Game

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Pokemon Red and Yellow, I had the two for my grape purple Gameboy Color. Ahh, the memories :)

I still have the gameboy, but I lost the carts for it. I have a nice working copy of the original Silver tho
Pok?mon Red, must have been way back like idek 1999-2000 because my parents were a bit late lmao.
Well I play the first 2 but it was because of my brother
my first game of me owning was ruby thought I played the first 2 games because of my brother
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I started ever since Pok?mon red/blue/yellow and I still have the Pok?mon Red cartridge with me. Even though I wanted blue more, I had these games when I was very little. Not to mention I did not know about the differences in versions and though there was only 1 pok?mon game. As I grew and learned there was more than 1 version as a little kid, I started liking blue version more due to the fact that I like water pok?mon the most. But even then, I love all the starters none the less.
My first game I started was Emerald, but I never played it. The first I really played was Pearl version.
My first was Emerald, but I played it when I was like 6 so I had no idea of what I what doing. lulz
Silver on GBC, totally unforgettable. thank you Iwata. Q______Q
my first ever pokemon game was ruby if i remember correctly. i remember i quit the whole game because i couldnt beat may xD i would go battle her with my starter and a 5 gulpins with toxic hoping to poison all her pokemon to death but still failed.
Pokemon Red! I was a bit late to the party and didn't start playing til 1999, but I'd watched the show and stuff.