What was the town's name? When did you start it? Milestones, like paying off your house, finishing your collection, or becoming weed free? Also, what year was it for your town?
My first town was my ACWW town. It was called Itaewon (after the area I grew up in Korea). I don't remember all of them but I had Bluebear, Poncho, Agent S, Dizzy, and Maple in my town. Dizzy is still my favourite after all this time - I have him and Maple in my first ACNL save Kenka, although I've never had any of the rest appear in my first or in my second town.
I forget what year it was, but my family and I rented City Folk from a store. We couldn't think of a town name, so I, being the creative and mature person I am, suggested "googoo."
My brother played for a little bit, but eventually my mom and I were the only ones really into it. We "forgot" to give the game back to the store and eventually just ended up buying it.
After paying off 3 character's houses and even getting a lighthouse, my mom and I kinda left the game alone. Then we decided to give away our Wii, and googoo was gone.
Strangely, the only villagers I remember being in that town are Camofrog and Friga.
My first save was in AC:WW. I don't remember the name i used (maybe Serena? bc of Pok?mon Ranger), but i had the three pink ponytails with the stoned face. I just got to expand my house twice, leaving the central room maxed out with a cityscape wall and a regal floor, a white piano, ficus benjamina and some random regal things. I believe having Vesta, Baabara, Aurora and maybe Friga? I didn't give a fk about fishing or catching bugs, and most of my bells came by selling fruit. When i used to dug fossils, i wouldn't take them to the museum to identify them and sell them, i just used to sell them without being identified lmao.
My first town was called Mineola and it was on City Folk. It was my first Animal Crossing game so I didn't really know a lot about the game, or how do breed hybrids or anything like that. I didn't care though, I just played the game. Over the couple of years that I had Mineola, Bluebear, Sydney, Butch, Gabi, Queenie, Rhonda, Tipper, Angus, Jitters, Benedict, Broccolo, Antonio, Nan, Peewee, Champ, Goose, Rosie and many other animals came to live in my town. I had a lot of fun with them, and I wish I still had my town. I ended up resetting the game, thinking that it would restart with the same layout and starter villagers. I've never been able to get back into City Folk after that
My first town was In wild world, It was my sisters, I think it was called animal crossing, and everyday If I played I had to leave my sister bells as "rent" lol, good times
My first town was in Animal Crossing: Wild World. I think I named my town Florida or L.A. or something dumb like that. I didn't fish a lot, but I remember this one day that I caught my first shark. I accidentally dropped my DS and the cartridge came out. I cried for about 3 minutes and then went on with my life. When I was smaller, I was very good at decorating my house. I believe the last theme I had was like an outdoorsy theme. I think I expanded it twice before giving up. One of my favorite villagers at the time was Amelia. My favorite memory in that town was when Alfonso asked me for a squid. I caught one for him, and in return he gave me a men's toilet. Oh, Alfonso.
My very first town was in Wild World, and I named it after the town I lived in IRL. Kinda unimaginative.
I did pay off my mortgage, with the help of some friends with an Action Replay. c;
I remember playing with people I had met on YouTube or Animal Crossing Community over Wi-Fi. Those were my best memories from that game. I wasn't really into bug catching or fishing, I just REALLY liked to play with other people. If the host and traveler badge had existed on Wild World, I most definitely would of had them!
My first town was in Wild World! Unfortunately, I can't even remember the name of it... What I do remember, is that one time I got a used copy of it, after I had given my first copy of it away. The town was called Dallas, and there was already a character in town, named Janet. It took me, like, two months to figure out you could make new characters..
Easy, it was O'Fallon, and I paid off my first house in 2002 on the GameCube after bell grinding selling seashells over and over- I didn't time travel then, and I don't now. Hard to say when I was weed free for the first time, AC has some tricky ways to see behind trees, but I never covered every inch of town to see if there were any weeds or not, I just plucked them as I went. In early 2003 I got the statue, and played the living days out of it, along with Phantasy Star Online, constantly swapping discs repeatedly to play both on the same GC. I left in 2004 after I lost Lily, came back in 2005 with Wild World, and kept the town names the same, repeating everything just like I did that first day in November, 2002!
My first animal crossing game was on the Nintendo DSi wild world and I haven't played that in sooooo long that when I did I thought I had a saved game with cool items and villagers, but it was a restarted town that I never touched afterwards. Gah, with my current saved game on the new leaf version I hope I won't have to reset other wise, I'll probably forget and never play again xD
My first ever town was on the first Animal Crossing on the memory card that came with the game. The town's name was Mew, and I remember having both Mitzi and Bob! They were my favorite kitties at the time. I don't remember much since I was only about 7 when we got the game.
Now, I have my copy of ACNL, with the new and improved Mew!
My first-ever town was in Wild World and it was called Toyland. The only thing I remember about it was the fruit was oranges and Derwin lived there. That was back in 2008 and I've restarted many times since then.
My first game was the first Animal Crossing. I don't remember it very well but I remember I had Amelia, Pierce, Roald, Stitches and Victoria for sure. The other ones I can't really remember. I have nooo idea what I named the darn thing. I have the game lying around someplace so I'll have to pick it up and see what's on it.
I first played on City Folk (Let's go to the city). I remember just fishing all the time, and raging why different furniture was never in GracieGrace, and why it cost so much. Many things. Nothing that I do now. I still fish now and then.