What were the popular students like at your high school?

I was the best of friends with most of the popular people at my college back at intermediate and primary school. First day of college I rushed over to say hi and they backstabbed me... they literally pretended I didn't exist and I was left completely alone with no friends and wandered around almost ready to cry. I've always had a bitter resentment to confident people since then because they were always laughing, having fun and being the center of every class room, meanwhile I was all by myself after being rejected from my best friends who I had been with for the last eight years of my life...

In short the popular people at my school thought they were higher and superior to me and I was nothing :(
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I went to an art school so the popular kids were mainly those in the dance or theater program. Of course to afford dance and vocal lessons you had to have the money, so they were also generally upper middle class and stylish. And loud. But friendly enough, and did fairly well academically. No one was snobby though. Judgmental, probably, but no outright "Don't sit with us losers" types. Bullying just wasn't really a thing at my school because it's very liberal and accepting.
I went to an international high school in Korea and there were different definitions of popular. Our school was 90% korean 10% international. A lot of the international kids (white kids lol) were popular maybe because they stood out idk. Within school, there was the type of student that was popular because they were just well-rounded in sports and academics and a good kid in general. A lot of the nice kids were considered popular because they just stood out with their friendliness (I went to a small school anyways). And theeeen there were the kids who were popular because of their reputation outside of school, eg. for being fun to party with when we go clubbing, who can hold their liquor the best etc. I also think there was more of a superficial sense of popularity among the korean kids, like who was prettiest (ulzzang) or rich. There?s also the annoying social hierarchy in korean culture that even applied to us as high school kids (well the Koreans like me) so it was easy to kinda see who were the popular ones because they?d be a lot of people around a**kissing them. My group of friends liked to go clubbing and drinking, but we rarely mixed with those considered popular. Sometimes we?d unintentionally overlap just because we go to the same places. In retrospect, all that seems ridiculous to me now lol.
They were nice. None of them was rude to others, and they didn't ignore anyone. Neither did they make fun of anyone. All they did that was different from the others was that they cursed a lot and wore fancy clothes, haha
This probably won't help at all but I don't care about what they do. Popularity is just a temporary thing and transitioning from high school to college/university would drop that entirely.
the boys were jocks, obnoxious
y'know the rowdy class clown type

the girls were.. well the ones that
would entertain the boys

both groups were really up to no good.. thats why they were popular​
Funnily enough, I never liked cliques that people formed growing up, so I switched to private school for all four years of high school. There was only an average of 60 students k-12 every year, so everyone knew each other and everyone was friends with each other. Everyone had their differences and accepted each other for them (it helped that the school promotes differences and diversity). Popularity wasn?t really a thing there. I made friends there and have even more friends and acquaintances now in university, but I still miss those times sometimes. :)
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Back in the day when I was in school popular people was rude. I was a outcast a lot bullied me but I made sure to stand up for others I saw getting bullied a few times. I new I was at risk of getting bullied worst for it but I did not care and when they new I never cared when I stood up for people they just left me alone. I still remember one of the football players saying eww ur sitting with him and I said yea and continued talking to my friend and he kept looking at me like I should move I ignored him and he walked away. I also stood up for another kid they said he had a man purse so I said leave him alone. They turned on me and spit some spit balls at me so I yelled rlly loud telling Them to stop. I never got in trouble they did cause the teacher new I’m quite when I speak up somebody is doing somthing. I still remember him smiling at me for sticking up for him. I never cared if I got bullied I always liked helping people
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