What would you rather live with?

What would you rather live with?

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Snail. Snakes are weird and even small spiders scare me. And snails are chill. They're just slowly going about life, just like me.
Probably the snake. I was originally leaning toward the spider since it would be a good way to keep insects away, but a giant spider would be more interested in eating frogs, birds, or other bigger prey. The snail wouldn't really do much other than goo everything up.
A snail of course. I cant ride on a snake or a spiders back.
I'll name him Gary
I guess most people voted for snails because nada poison.
I chose the snail because it'd be.. cuter? And friendlier than the others. Even if it's not friendly, I could definitely outrun it.
A giant snail since a giant spider would fill my house with cobwebs and a giant snake would probably try to eat me.
A snail or snake, they are both great! The most likely is probably snake though, I mean I don't necessarily want a giant snake but who knows what the future holds.
the giant snake sounds like the best option of the three, especially if it's one of those harmless garden snakes. At least I wouldn't have to deal with slime or webs.
A giant snail for sure! They're pretty cool ngl.
I do like spiders, but I think it would be cooler to have a giant snail.
And just.. no to the snake. They're cool and all, but I don't want one.
The snail because it sounds safest and also I’m least likely to end up with it on me
Thank goodness this thread was bumped so I could vote for the giant snake. A giant snake would be a wonderful addition 🐍❤️
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