What would you rather live with?

What would you rather live with?

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It's unfortunate that I can't choose all three. I want to tame the giant snail, giant snake, and giant spider and make them work for me. :devilish:
Snails aren't so harmful, at least they don't bite or hiss...it would be like living with SpongeBob's pet, Gary!
Can you imagine all the slime? You'd never be able to keep the floors clean. It would just be a sticky gooey dried up sludge.

It's unfortunate that I can't choose all three. I want to tame the giant snail, giant snake, and giant spider and make them work for me. :devilish:
This thread was close to sounding like Naruto lol.
i'd rather live with a giant snail. i think snakes are cute (from a distance) but at least a giant snail doesn't have an instinct to kill me, mainly thinking of pythons and cobras.
I would pick a giant snake since I don’t like snails (I do like the transponder snails in One Piece though 🙂) and I hate spiders (or anything that is bug/insect like).
sorry wrong thread!!
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A giant snail? Well, I'd be okay with that, if it weren't my concern that it would make all my possessions slimy. And there's no way I'm living with a giant spider since I'm arachnophobic. So...yeah. I'd rather live with a giant snake. Just as long as they're not venomous, that is.
A giant snail? Well, I'd be okay with that, if it weren't my concern that it would make all my possessions slimy. And there's no way I'm living with a giant spider since I'm arachnophobic. So...yeah. I'd rather live with a giant snake. Just as long as they're not venomous, that is.
That's what I am saying. It would get everywhere.

But also, how would any of them go through rooms anyway? They don't have hands. Only spiders could maybe open doors. Can you imagine a big spider trying to use it's leg nubs to twist a doorknob.
Giant snail would make everything slimy…. giant snake would shed 4-12 times a year…. giant spider would make giant spiderwebs everywhere. Ugh. None of them sound like great roommates tbh 😂

If I had to choose, I’d probably go with giant spider. I’m scared of spiders (and most bugs in general), but if he’s giant enough, I could go for rides on his back. Who needs a car or public transit when you have a giant spider to take you places!
This entire thread predicted the whole bear or man insanity thats been going around online lately lol.


Spiders because the web designs they make are so elegeant.
A giant snail. They are cute.
How big are these giant creatures suppose to be anyway? Maybe I should have asked that first..
giant snake probably. i'd be too afraid to even look at the giant spider, and i couldn't even imagine how icky and slimy the place will be with a giant snail :confused:
A giant snail. Spiders REALLY freak me out so those are a no go and snakes are just...kinda scary to have them just wandering around in your house. A giant snail would just be vibing on the wall or something lol and it would be kinda cute! Their little antennas or whatever are precious!
The snail. Im afraid the other two would try to capture and eat me. Plus, one of my favorite pokémon is a goodra, so… it would be basically like owning a hisuian goodra, right?
As long as the snake was friendly and not poisonous I’d happily live with one. One time I was at reptile shop and the owner let me pet a big white snake that wasn’t for sale. He was super sweet and seemed to like being pet.