What's bothering you?

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Nothing good to eat in the house and I was to lazy to go to the store to get it. I should have went.
I found out a person Im sorta friends with is not the kind of person I thought... I thought they were a nice person but it turns out they did some things to others that are concerning to me. I just dont know what to think. Since then Ive been increasingly bothered by people's behavior in general. Im not quite sure how to deal. I know this is vague but I dont want to go into more detail.
Ugh the woman whose dogs I watch is a sweetheart but she is way too high-strung and worried. She calls me literally every day I have them, when I am at work and my mom is with them (since I started my new job we have a schedule where we both do it). Just to ask "so, how are they doing?". I'm not even with them, but fine last time I checked? I don't know why she doesn't call the house. I try not to be rude but I'm at work for christs sake. If something was wrong I would call you, you don't need to call me every single day. And the insane thing is, she'll call back numerous times to add on. Today she called and thought something bad had happened with the dogs because my mother posted a picture on Facebook that said something like "today is not a dealing-with-people day" or some crap. She honestly thought that the dogs had done something and that's what it was about. ;l Then after I assured her they were fine, she called back to ask if I had found where she put their bag with their food and stuff, since she set it by the door. Uh, no I didn't, I haven't fed them for two days and I just didn't mention it. Good lord, yes I found it.

I've been watching her dogs for over a year. She only started getting this crazy since she started her new job, I guess because it's further away? The dogs are absolutely the most easygoing dogs you'd ever meet. They're completely fine. They laze the day away on my couch and playing in the yard. I've literally never had a problem with them, and they love coming over. Yet I get her calling me saying, "Oh, Timmy gave me this look as I was leaving today, how's he doing now?" HE IS FINE EVERYTHING IS FINE

She's so nice, but I just need to rant because I swear to god she is slowly driving me insane.
My kid has been getting in a lot of trouble at school lately. She brought her Pokemon cards to school and was told to put them away but refused and ignored the teacher. She talks a lot in class despite being told to just listen and keep quiet. She doesn't pay attention when lessons are going on and has a brutally hard time doing her homework because she doesn't understand it. She's basically grounded for two months now and yet nothing sticks. I've taken away all her toys, and her Pokemon cards and yet she still got in trouble. None of the punishments I've done seem to register and she never learns her lesson.

I have no freaking clue what to do.
Collegeboard won't let me print my SAT ticket or fix my information and the test is tomorrow. Can't believe I forgot to change it but even then customer service gives no option for help with changing the name or reprinting tickets. Just gotta bring my ID tomorrow and my ticket I had and just hope for the best.
so i'm depressed (clinically before y'all start freaking out about ~self diagnosis~ which isnt that bad) diagnosed with episodic depression, severe social anxiety and generalised anxiety. I've been this way for probably 4 years, and it just keeps getting worse. i finally plucked up the courage to get help in may 2013, and it was useless for me (don't let me discourage you from getting help) one psychologist was just rude and useless, the other was okay but just tried the same thing over and over and it didnt work, even when i told him it didnt work. i finally got meds, and it made me worse, so i changed tablets, it worked for a few months, and now its stopped working and i'll have to change again, which is a pain as the side effects suck for the first few weeks
i got sick in the second half of 2013, doctors didnt know what was wrong, it as just painful with no sign of what was wrong with me, i was prescribe tablets that took the pain away but not i can't stand up without feeling dizzy and my vision blurring, so i can't operate heavy machinery (same with my anti depressants) or do anything too strenous. my mystery illness also made it so i couldnt leave the house, walk more than a few minutes or be in any other position than lying down. i hated university so i dropped out a week into 2014, planning to change my course and begin mid year. i got better, the pain went, and i was fine. i had a job over the summer which was fun, but my manager only gave me like 3 hours a week... oh well.
then in may, my dad got a job and we had to move states. my boyfriend lives in the state we were moving too, so i was excited. in my illness, i lost pretty much all contact with my friends as i couldn't do much, so i wasnt leaving much behind other than my sister who was staying in our home state. and so i moved, i planned to be a new person, then i got sick again. it came back with a vengeance. i couldnt start uni as it was too late, i couldnt get a job because i was too sick, i had no friends except my bf who works two jobs and does full time university. and its been months... and i'm better now but the depression is so much worse, i feel like its getting worse and worse with every day. all i do is sit at home and i can't get a job for the summer and i feel like its too late, everyone has their summer casuals so its too late for me. I got a job interview with a huge fancy company, but i couldn't go because my anxiety was overwhelming (ive only worked for smaller homely companies and not commission based work). i actually cried in the middle of a shopping centre but i wasn't even embarrassed, i just felt guilty that i couldn't do it. I've called helo lines and crisis chat lines when it gets bad (apparently you're supposed to call them every time you're depressed?? which is all the time so yeah) and they are useless, waiting 50 minutes to talk to someone who just tells you to go out and do something when i had clearly said that i can't.
i'm just scared that it going to be the same for the next few months until i go to university, if i get into university. and if i dont get in, then what? i'm getting worse, and i'm going to change my meds but i'm scared...
I just don't want to be sad any more, just like a lot of you guys on here
Bell tree has helped so much though, getting me back into drawing, the sense of community, all that.
anyway sorry for being depressing and thanks for reading if you did
so i'm depressed (clinically before y'all start freaking out about ~self diagnosis~ which isnt that bad) diagnosed with episodic depression, severe social anxiety and generalised anxiety. I've been this way for probably 4 years, and it just keeps getting worse. i finally plucked up the courage to get help in may 2013, and it was useless for me (don't let me discourage you from getting help) one psychologist was just rude and useless, the other was okay but just tried the same thing over and over and it didnt work, even when i told him it didnt work. i finally got meds, and it made me worse, so i changed tablets, it worked for a few months, and now its stopped working and i'll have to change again, which is a pain as the side effects suck for the first few weeks
i got sick in the second half of 2013, doctors didnt know what was wrong, it as just painful with no sign of what was wrong with me, i was prescribe tablets that took the pain away but not i can't stand up without feeling dizzy and my vision blurring, so i can't operate heavy machinery (same with my anti depressants) or do anything too strenous. my mystery illness also made it so i couldnt leave the house, walk more than a few minutes or be in any other position than lying down. i hated university so i dropped out a week into 2014, planning to change my course and begin mid year. i got better, the pain went, and i was fine. i had a job over the summer which was fun, but my manager only gave me like 3 hours a week... oh well.
then in may, my dad got a job and we had to move states. my boyfriend lives in the state we were moving too, so i was excited. in my illness, i lost pretty much all contact with my friends as i couldn't do much, so i wasnt leaving much behind other than my sister who was staying in our home state. and so i moved, i planned to be a new person, then i got sick again. it came back with a vengeance. i couldnt start uni as it was too late, i couldnt get a job because i was too sick, i had no friends except my bf who works two jobs and does full time university. and its been months... and i'm better now but the depression is so much worse, i feel like its getting worse and worse with every day. all i do is sit at home and i can't get a job for the summer and i feel like its too late, everyone has their summer casuals so its too late for me. I got a job interview with a huge fancy company, but i couldn't go because my anxiety was overwhelming (ive only worked for smaller homely companies and not commission based work). i actually cried in the middle of a shopping centre but i wasn't even embarrassed, i just felt guilty that i couldn't do it. I've called helo lines and crisis chat lines when it gets bad (apparently you're supposed to call them every time you're depressed?? which is all the time so yeah) and they are useless, waiting 50 minutes to talk to someone who just tells you to go out and do something when i had clearly said that i can't.
i'm just scared that it going to be the same for the next few months until i go to university, if i get into university. and if i dont get in, then what? i'm getting worse, and i'm going to change my meds but i'm scared...
I just don't want to be sad any more, just like a lot of you guys on here
Bell tree has helped so much though, getting me back into drawing, the sense of community, all that.
anyway sorry for being depressing and thanks for reading if you did
female draenei have fat ugly noses now what the **** blizz
i feel rly outdated on my worgen
im never going to get a commission slot from one of my favorite artists ever again because shes literally always full and im slow af and different timezones make it impossible
im just feeling junky tonight, im starting to get burnt out of FR which concerns me bc htat means id literally be burnt out of everything i enjoy and??? i just hate this so much
i need to stop going to program full day 5 days a week, i cant handle this much longer
tbt inflation makes me mad
im afraid i wont get back into wow again like i expect to
rip nikki
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I just dropped a Dr Pepper that I thought I had closed all the way, but apparently the cap was just open enough that it could spew the remaining half of the bottle into the trash can that it miraculously fell in.

Probably for the best - too much sugar and caffeine, especially this late at night - but dammit what a waste.
So afraid that they're not gonna let me take the SAT.

My mom yelled at me and said "Don't screw this up." It is ultimately my fault for forgetting to change the name.. I could have e-mailed customer support. :/ She's going to be so angry if they don't let me test tomorrow and I'm going to be really upset, even if I am planning to take a gap year after my Senior year. Oh, what to do.. she really wants me to get into college but my plans are so much different than her expectations. I really want to work and just save up for me to move out once I'm able and be with my boyfriend. I'm not rushing anything, I just don't want to let my mom down. She was happy that I had five straight B's at the time of my progress report except for 1 C and 1 A.
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