What's bothering you?

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well apparently not.

first, steam activity isnt really chronological, unless ur sure he didnt play cod at all yesterday, then its hard to tell if he did load it up after he supposedly went to sleep. even if he did play, y didnt he tell u? maybe he felt u were being nagging? i dunno how long u two had been talking for. i dunno how u react to being told that he wants some game time alone. maybe he couldnt sleep and got back up to play. either way, there r underlying issues still present that u two need to work thru.

This was my thought exactly. If I tell somebody, alright bye I'm going to bed, and then I decide, nah I'm going to get up and make a sandwich and mess around on the computer for a while instead, does that make me a liar? Technically yes but christ I mean is it that big of a deal?

I mean when I'm in a relationship I don't feel the need to tell my so every little thing I am doing just so they are aware. If I'm tired and I don't feel like chatting I might even say the same thing, that I'm off to bed. I may game a bit or whatever beforehand, but then I'm going to bed. I just take a bit of downtime first. This could have been what he meant. Not necessarily "I'm going to bed right this second".

I could understand you being upset if he lied about something to go hang out with somebody else or go do something without you, when he should just be honest and tell you those things. Totally get that. But playing video games before bed doesn't seem like a horrible lie to me. Or even an intentional lie. Or not even a lie at all if he was planning on going to bed and then got back up or whatever. Was he supposed to text you back and say, "Nevermind I got back up to play some CoD, just so you know"?

Sorry if this comes off as rude but if you want honest opinions, I just think you're way overthinking this. But by all means talk to him, I mean it's your relationship and if it bothers you then let him know.
That's awful ;_; do you know why? I hope you manage to work things out...

(They don't?)

People that threaten with suicide will rarely do it. It's just a sign that something is wrong with them internally, lots of bad thoughts and emotions coming up in them and they feel like they can't handle it anymore. Because of that even the smallest of actions can make them feel better, like just giving a hug or saying you love or appreciate them. I don't know the specifics behind this situation and am not going to press you for them, I just hope you two feel better soon.

Our family has been having arguments about whether I should go to church or not, and my dad is trying to push me towards doing so but I don't ever want to go back.
I said that, but they didn't take it like that and it got out of hand because my dad was so mad he told me he'd have to call the social services if I wasn't going to go. I don't think I should have to go, I respect their beliefs and everything but it's not mutual. My parents tell me it isn't a choice, it's compulsory because they aren't doing any bad things and while the latter is completely true, I honestly think I shouldn't sacrifice my happiness for something they think will make me happy. It won't.
I took the comment a bit too much to heart and my mum got so frustrated with me "misunderstanding" things she took the keys and started going into the hall. I couldn't hear what she was saying, or understand what she could said because it was in Tagalog, a language I don't speak, but I heard her saying stuff like "I'm going back to the Philippines, I'm sick of having a family," and "I don't want to have a family anymore" and when my dad started to reason with her she started screaming and threatening.
I feel like such a bad person, I provoked all of this. I feel like I should just go to church for their sake now, to keep them quiet, because my mum's literally wasting away with stress now and I try to keep a brave face but I can't always do so.
All of that because of church? Holy hell. That's horrible. I feel so relieved to have parents who don't give a **** about religion.

But really they should accept your opinions. I don't think anyone who wants to force their beliefs onto their children this hard has the right to breed. While yes you can motivate a kid towards liking something. Forcing somebody to do something is extremely wrong :L I really can't stand how people just force their own opinions onto their children and expect them to do something as if they got children just so they could make them do what they want.

But sorry for rambling ^^'' I hope they loosen up a bit about it, they might eventually become more open to it when they realize the fact you don't go to church doesn't make you a lesser person.
I feel like such a bad person, I provoked all of this. I feel like I should just go to church for their sake now, to keep them quiet, because my mum's literally wasting away with stress now and I try to keep a brave face but I can't always do so.

I can understand you feel this way, I really can. But its wrong that your parents put so much emotional pressure on you. I know it feels easier to just go with the flow and obey and I`m not going to say you shouldn`t do that, because life is much to complicated to just do what you please. It would increase the pressure on you probably, because your parents probably wouldn`t be able to let go. I just want to tell you that you are entitled to your own ideas and beliefs. I don`t know how old you are, but someday your parents will have to realise you will come out of your coccoon and will be who you want to be.

In the mean time, its a balancing act of following your heart and discovering yourself, as well as following in line with your parents. Its a terrible place to be in, but it gets better the more you mature. Acceptance will come to your parents, its inevitable.
Coming of age and cutting the string with your parents is often a proces considered painful and difficult, but the same goes vice versa, for a parent having to cut the string with the child. Some parents deal with it really badly, especially the emotional needy ones.
Religion is just a fairy tail for grown ups so that they can have something to place their hope into. I think it's awesome that you don't want to go to church, in my eyes, nobody should want to go.

The sooner religions are banished from this world the better.
Religion is just a fairy tail for grown ups so that they can have something to place their hope into. I think it's awesome that you don't want to go to church, in my eyes, nobody should want to go.

The sooner religions are banished from this world the better.

I`m an atheist, but if religion gives a person hope and the strength to go on, then why would that be a bad thing?
Forcing it on others is a whole different matter ofcourse.
Our family has been having arguments about whether I should go to church or not, and my dad is trying to push me towards doing so but I don't ever want to go back.
I said that, but they didn't take it like that and it got out of hand because my dad was so mad he told me he'd have to call the social services if I wasn't going to go. I don't think I should have to go, I respect their beliefs and everything but it's not mutual. My parents tell me it isn't a choice, it's compulsory because they aren't doing any bad things and while the latter is completely true, I honestly think I shouldn't sacrifice my happiness for something they think will make me happy. It won't.
I took the comment a bit too much to heart and my mum got so frustrated with me "misunderstanding" things she took the keys and started going into the hall. I couldn't hear what she was saying, or understand what she could said because it was in Tagalog, a language I don't speak, but I heard her saying stuff like "I'm going back to the Philippines, I'm sick of having a family," and "I don't want to have a family anymore" and when my dad started to reason with her she started screaming and threatening.
I feel like such a bad person, I provoked all of this. I feel like I should just go to church for their sake now, to keep them quiet, because my mum's literally wasting away with stress now and I try to keep a brave face but I can't always do so.
All right, first of all... Blaming yourself in this situation is not gonna help, and the way I see it, it is far from your fault.

You're right, their beliefs shouldn't be forced onto you and you know that going to church wouldn't make you happy. I don't know how old you are, but your parents should respect your choices regardless.

I think the best course of action to take here is to let everyone calm down, leave it for the day at least, then ask to speak to them. Make sure everybody agrees to stay calm and to let each other finish talking, and then just tell each other what goes through your heads. Talk it out. It seems like a really stupid and cliche thing to do, but in this situation you all just need to be able to let each other speak calmly.

It's hard to say where that will lead. Just make sure to keep to the arrangements, and if they seem to get agitated you shouldn't let it affect you outwardly. Stay calm and speak in a calm manner. Church may be important to them, but it should be more important to let you speak your mind.

Hopefully they'll accept that you won't come to church anymore, but be prepared for them to be as stubborn as they are now, and that they'll still force you. It's a sad prospect, but it's best to be prepared for the worst.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I`m an atheist, but if religion gives a person hope and the strength to go on, then why would that be a bad thing?
Forcing it on others is a whole different matter ofcourse.
And that goes both ways. I've had various religions forced upon me but I don't have the capacity to have that kind of faith. Every time a person tries it (which happens because I live in an extremely religious town), I tell them that I don't force my non-belief onto them, so they shouldn't force their beliefs onto me. Respect goes both ways.
And that goes both ways. I've had various religions forced upon me but I don't have the capacity to have that kind of faith. Every time a person tries it (which happens because I live in an extremely religious town), I tell them that I don't force my non-belief onto them, so they shouldn't force their beliefs onto me. Respect goes both ways.

I feel like I shouldn't post here anymore, because I just get a load of unneeded sarcasm and other people are posting 'serious' teenager **** making my problems (the closing on my house might not go through, my cat is very sick, my dad is in the hospital, etc) look stupid in comparison.

So, with that said...

*bows graciously*

I'm out.
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I'm fourteen, and while I know it's an incredibly young age to be dealing with this sort of thing or even making these decisions, I came to a point where I didn't want to go anymore. I told them first, they asked me why I was taking sickies on those days so frequently, why I always wanted to leave early. They wanted a reason and I gave them my reason:
I don't want to go.
Of course, my parents don't think that's a valid reason but I genuinely can't give one. I can only think of one:
The thing is, I hate the atmosphere there. I can't explain that to my parents, they'll think it's ridiculous.
But it's true. It's a mix of negativity and positivity. They're all so set on the impending apocalypse yet they seem so laid back about it. I can't deal with that sort of thing, it strikes up my anxiety a ton. I actually heard a lady say the last time I ever went that she "couldn't wait until she heard the warning" because she had her emergency kit all packed up.
While that's sensible, I almost had a heart attack then and there thinking about it. I know it's advised to prepare for natural disasters but something that might not even happen that could wipe out most of the planet and you're looking forward to it??? That's what gets me. I hate having to think of it. I can't deal with that at all.
I'm on the fence, because it says that you will survive the apocalypse if you believe in God, and I do believe in God. I still believe in the same one I always have, but I genuinely think he wants us to be happy, not have a conforming, linear life.
I'm just scared I'm going to die if I don't go to church, but I'm trying to find a compromise somehow.

I'm not trying to bash this religion, it already has enough bad media attention as it is. This is purely my opinion.
I'm fourteen, and while I know it's an incredibly young age to be dealing with this sort of thing or even making these decisions, I came to a point where I didn't want to go anymore. I told them first, they asked me why I was taking sickies on those days so frequently, why I always wanted to leave early. They wanted a reason and I gave them my reason:
I don't want to go.
Of course, my parents don't think that's a valid reason but I genuinely can't give one. I can only think of one:
The thing is, I hate the atmosphere there. I can't explain that to my parents, they'll think it's ridiculous.
But it's true. It's a mix of negativity and positivity. They're all so set on the impending apocalypse yet they seem so laid back about it. I can't deal with that sort of thing, it strikes up my anxiety a ton. I actually heard a lady say the last time I ever went that she "couldn't wait until she heard the warning" because she had her emergency kit all packed up.
While that's sensible, I almost had a heart attack then and there thinking about it. I know it's advised to prepare for natural disasters but something that might not even happen that could wipe out most of the planet and you're looking forward to it??? That's what gets me. I hate having to think of it. I can't deal with that at all.
I'm on the fence, because it says that you will survive the apocalypse if you believe in God, and I do believe in God. I still believe in the same one I always have, but I genuinely think he wants us to be happy, not have a conforming, linear life.
I'm just scared I'm going to die if I don't go to church, but I'm trying to find a compromise somehow.

I'm not trying to bash this religion, it already has enough bad media attention as it is. This is purely my opinion.

Are you the same guys that thought 2012 was going to be doomsday year? Because that sort of didn't work out too super.
No, I'm not going to go into detail because I don't want to sound like I'm purposely hating on this religion because most of the people are decent human beings but there was an experience I had as a child that could easily have been evaded and...well, it wasn't.

But no to both. It's not a cult at all xD
i was bored for an hour and a half
i realized how addicted i am to this site......
Algebra 2 can go to hell.

I worked so hard and the best I could in that class, and I ended up with a D for the first marking period..
God, I hate it..I hate it as much as Geometry...
Algebra 2 can go to hell.

I worked so hard and the best I could in that class, and I ended up with a D for the first marking period..
God, I hate it..I hate it as much as Geometry...

I'd so tutor you! Algebra 2 was the last math class I took where I understood everything completely, lol. Pre-Calc and on just escapes me...
I didn't like Algebra 2 when I was in it.

Pre-calc wasn't that bad. Especially trigonometry. I liked trigonometry.
Okay, so I'm really feeling terrible inside and I have been for the past few months. My mother graduated last December with a bachelor's in accounting & she's been struggling with finding a job ever since. We've been living on nearly $45,000 a year as a family of 3 with 4 dogs and it is really starting to hurt. Every day my parents are fighting constantly about money, and just recently it's developed into suspicions of each other giving money to help other family members, etc.

At least twice a week, I get woken up at 4:30am by their constant yelling before my dad goes to work and I cannot go back to sleep afterwards which really impacts my performance at school. Nearly every night when my dad gets back home, it's another constant battle between my parents. I lock myself in my room from the time I get home from school until dinner, but even then I eat in my room on most nights because I can't handle sitting down with them constantly arguing.

All of this arguing has drained me from all emotions. I know that sounds dumb, but there is nothing on this planet that will emotionally disturb me anymore. I can't tell you the last time that I've ever felt remotely close to tears. I feel like everything is my fault because I turned 16 a few months ago & my parents bought me a car (I did not ask for one because I knew how hard we've had it, but they went ahead and bought one anyway). I've already talked to them about me not getting a job until summer due to school taking up the majority of my time, but now I feel like I'm obligated to get a job once I get my drivers license in a few weeks in order to help my parents survive.

Also dunno if they've saved a penny towards college money for me, so I'll have to save for that in addition to helping my parents financially. Then I have to find some way to pay for 3 AP exams & the SAT or the ACT along with keeping good grades in those classes that I'm taking and

i just feel so helpless and useless and i'm so stressed all the time i really don't feel like trying anymore

idk what the **** i said in that i can't think straight anymore
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