What's bothering you?

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I started my job as a cashier today and it was really awful. I was supposed to be trained for a few days but all they did was have me read a short manual on using the system and then threw me on a register alone. It was really stressful and I had to keep calling for help because I didn't know how to do anything. I'm considering just quitting now seeing as it's a minimum wage seasonal job and I only applied so I would have something to do
I started my job as a cashier today and it was really awful. I was supposed to be trained for a few days but all they did was have me read a short manual on using the system and then threw me on a register alone. It was really stressful and I had to keep calling for help because I didn't know how to do anything. I'm considering just quitting now seeing as it's a minimum wage seasonal job and I only applied so I would have something to do

Been there before. Retail jobs are always stressful.
All my friends are eyeing me for some reason and everyone at school seemed depressed,even my cult was today,they rarely talked (while they are usually very spunky and loud) and I just asked them whats wrong and they ignored me.P.E was terrible too,probably because I cried on Tuesday.
I still can't find my bag with my shampoo and keys in it, and now another bag with all my paint/brushes in it is gone as well.


Just checked the last car, nobody has them. And I've ripped both houses apart a few times already. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I get stressed and then that makes me forget stuff and lose things, and then forgetting and losing everything causes me more problems and makes me stress more. Which apparently is making me lose even more stuff. ;c

I'm just really upset that this keeps happening and now I have absolutely zero car keys, and need to remake my keys for work. I just... ugh.
I accidentally punched my friend today. He said it was okay, and I realized it was him so it wasn't too hard of a punch, but I still feel bad...
(He snuck up on me during P.E. and I backed up into him and my first response was to whip around and punch him. It was only in the chest, since he's too tall for me to hit in the face.)
I hat naps. The only naps I like are the ones where I'm in an airplane, or in a car. Basically any vehicle, I guess, so I feel your pain.

Naps are usually kind of okay if they're short, although those ones just leave me feeling unrefreshed and I still end up staying up too late because I'm not tired.

But this one, I took one look at my alarm (which was to keep me from doing this exact thing that I ended up doing), turned it off and just drifted right back off to sleep. I...really need to stop doing that.
This girl.I just don't need to know when that time of month is for her and she tells me anyways.I can hear ''it'' ripping off her bottom layer in the locker room silently.Its disgusting seeing her when she told me that.
I had a 90 Something in Spanish. Yesterday, there was a test, and today a binder test. I did horrific on the binder test, but I think I did good on the test yesterday. Will I most likely fail that class? And the test today also seemed like a trick in many ways. And the grading cycle ends tomorrow.
I'm in a few completely online courses and I'm pretty convinced that at least half of my classmates are bots.

emot-byodood_zpsb1798b68.gif "I would choose this option because this is how you do it."

Not why. They did not explain why they chose these things. Not once did they give any evidence to support why their option was the 'best' option. They merely told us how you do a thing. They proceeded to spend the rest of their post explaining the step-by-step process.

I feel like I'm back in grade school.

I start with 2 of my least favorite classes tomorrow. Not a good way to start off a Friday.

Better than starting a Monday like that. :v
Chrome keeps getting extensions I can't delete and my computer keeps closing out tabs or entire browsers... made me so mad I punched the underside and broke some webbing on the underneath... feel horrid about it
This girl.I just don't need to know when that time of month is for her and she tells me anyways.I can hear ''it'' ripping off her bottom layer in the locker room silently.Its disgusting seeing her when she told me that.

grow up, it shouldn't be 'disgusting' seeing someone when you know its that time of the month. it's natural, every girl has it, are you like 10?
grow up, it shouldn't be 'disgusting' seeing someone when you know its that time of the month. it's natural, every girl has it, are you like 10?
Amen, amen.

The same goes for people who think going without bras is weird when you just wear a normal shirt. I mean everyone and their mom has nipples deal with it.
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