What's bothering you?

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These damn Pokemon not showing up. I'm trying to complete my living Kalos dex, so pls

Also got a splitting headache during the past hour and it only seems to be getting worse. Might as well take one of the crazy pills we have, even knowing it'll either not help and/or make me insanely tired.
WAT. I made a big closed area by the beach for caging villagers for pwps, this time I decided to make it a bit bigger and put more people in it. When I came back Bonbon and Sterling were sitting on a nearby bench they could not access. THEY TELEPORTED.
my weekend intermission has been suspended because i didn't eat over last week when i was at home all week so now i'm stuck in hospital til christmas and it's not fair i'm struggling with this and punishing me for relapsing isn't the right way to move forward i feel sick and stupid
god I can't even comfort my own gender.
my friend (the one who's moving) started to grow sadder and sadder today. she then broke down--for the first time--near the school. I wanted to cry with her but I know that it won't help. I just want this month to go away so quickly that the memory of her moving will just be a blur. I don't want the pain
Wow. Sorry to everyone above with such troubles in your lives, I'm just a stranger so I all can say is I hope things get better.

Here I am feeling sorry for myself because of cramps...
I've lost all my motivation and my good memory is the only thing keeping my grades afloat right now.
nope nope NOPE

If this is an infection, I'll be on antibiotics for the next week.
That means I won't be able to attend the concert.

I've waited a year for this. why do i have to get sick now?
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