What's bothering you?

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Ugh, these threads just irk me. Two people get into an argument, one trying to defend their point with their own PERSONAL affairs. Don't you know that you're just making yourself look bad?! Jesus...
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this study guide for history has 21 essay questions when the test will only use 5 of them :):):)
I'm in sooo much pain but I have a six hour shift at work tomorrow and I'm trying to prove I'm good enough to move up in the company by not having to sit down
The nearest shelter that I know of is like half an hour from me by car so I'm just hanging out in a mall until it closes. Idk my area all too well but yeah, I was thinking I'd need to find an all-night store, just having some trouble figuring out where one is in relation to where I am.

I really hope you find a place to stay. Be careful. Are there any buses you could take to the shelter (if you have any money)?
Ugh, these threads just irk me. Two people get into an argument, one trying to defend their point with their own PERSONAL affairs. Don't you know that you're just making yourself look bad?! Jesus...

Yeah, it's getting really annoying. I think we should move away from the pizza era and debate era of TBT. What's this site called? The Bell Tree Forums, not The Pizza Tree Forums or The Debate Tree Forums.
They do. A lot of people tend to confuse race/ethnicity/nationality.

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At least, so I've noticed. Not trying to make a blanket statement here. :p

Here's what I think:

Color - skin color
Nationality - country of birth
Race - skin color and/or country of birth
I hate how I always fail to resist temptation to look up a walkthrough when I'm playing Professor Layton.
but these daily puzzles are so hard.....
Here's what I think:

Color - skin color
Nationality - country of birth
Race - skin color and/or country of birth

From what I've read, race is generally just your skin color-- for example, you can be a white American, black American, etc., but not all Americans are white. Nationality is generally defined as country of origin, or the country you currently hold citizenship in, which gives you black Americans, white Americans, Asian Americans, etc. Ethnicity, then, is where your ancestors came from, or the culture you identify with. For example, Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, etc. are all part of the Asian races, but they have different cultures, thus giving those people different ethnicities.

I'm by no means an expert on this, but this is what I've gleaned from my psych and gov classes. You can read more here.

(Also, sorry if I got any information wrong!)
I feel like I love my boyfriend more than he loves me. Or maybe he thought he loved me a lot more than does and is starting to realize it. We used to text all the time and be sweet, but now he won't text me unless I text him and he always stops responding after a while. He isn't as affectionate now either. He used to be really affectionate, like holding my hand a lot and things like that. Now when I try to do stuff like that he acts like he doesn't want to. And he used to say I was the only person he's liked in a long time but yesterday he was talking about people he used to like and I'm just confused. Honestly, I feel like I've become an annoyance and needy/clingy. And I'm trying to back off but I just feel like I'm losing him and I don't want to at all. I really love him. Last time I talked to him about something like this he reassured me that he loved me more than anyone but I don't want to say it again or he's going to get tired of me complaining all the time. I already bother him enough when I have really bad days and I'd just be bothering him more. I just don't want to **** this up.
From what I've read, race is generally just your skin color-- for example, you can be a white American, black American, etc., but not all Americans are white. Nationality is generally defined as country of origin, or the country you currently hold citizenship in, which gives you black Americans, white Americans, Asian Americans, etc. Ethnicity, then, is where your ancestors came from, or the culture you identify with. For example, Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, etc. are all part of the Asian races, but they have different cultures, thus giving those people different ethnicities.

I'm by no means an expert on this, but this is what I've gleaned from my psych and gov classes. You can read more here.

(Also, sorry if I got any information wrong!)

Since that has a very ambiguous definition among many, all facts about defining race and stuff like that are opinions.

Speaking of that, racists of all kind bug me. There are some people I count as racist and some people I don't count (I'm not looking at anybody specifically, it's just general).
Dang, sorry about this. :( Is this like permanent or just for tonight?
I've no idea honestly, it depends if my parents decide to let me back in. I can't see it being permanent but it'll probably be more than just tonight. But don't be sorry, it's okay!
Since that has a very ambiguous definition among many, all facts about defining race and stuff like that are opinions.

Speaking of that, racists of all kind bug me. There are some people I count as racist and some people I don't count (I'm not looking at anybody specifically, it's just general).

I'm not so sure I'd go so far as to say that they're opinions, but I will agree that they are ambiguous definitions, and they have a tendency to overlap.

I do find stuff like this fascinating, though. :) I've considered minoring or maybe even majoring in anthropology because of stuff like this.

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I've no idea honestly, it depends if my parents decide to let me back in. I can't see it being permanent but it'll probably be more than just tonight. But don't be sorry, it's okay!

I really hope you find somewhere safe to spend the night. Is there anybody you could contact that could give you either a lift or a place to stay?
I really hope you find somewhere safe to spend the night. Is there anybody you could contact that could give you either a lift or a place to stay?
All of my friends live kinda far away so I'd feel bad about asking any of them, but I found a store open 24/7 so I'm good for now. :)
All of my friends live kinda far away so I'd feel bad about asking any of them, but I found a store open 24/7 so I'm good for now. :)

That's good! Maybe tomorrow when it's light out you can make it to the shelter? Or is that not feasible?
That's good! Maybe tomorrow when it's light out you can make it to the shelter? Or is that not feasible?
I could try. I'm not exactly sure how to get there but I'm sure if I looked up the directions on my phone I'd be able to figure it out, if it ends up coming to that.
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