What's bothering you?

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The pizza threads are extremely stupid. I have to debate if I should post in them to make bells or ignore them.
His weird sea-lion butt is nowhere to be found
I, personally, am not bothered by the amount of pizza threads, however, the amount of people who like bad pizza. Thick crust? Olives on pizza? DOMINOS?

Get a grip, people.
How much I absolutely suck at dating. Lol.
2 denials in a month. I'm on a god damn streak! GO CHASE! Let's see some more failure, yes?
You don't annoy me. You make me laugh this time. The only users that annoy me are currently on my ignore list, and you're not one of them.

Thank you. I just feel like, talking about them all the time and posting in them to say how annoying they are, isn't making them go away... :/ I don't know. Oh well. No personal attacks intended by saying that, anyway.

And I mean, they're dumb I know, but for some reason it makes me giggle to see so many of the stupid things all at the top of the forum... I mean that's at least 7 in a row right there, it's just, ridiculous.
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i just wrote a fanfiction that is 1400 words long, yet i dont feel ashamed...

dear diary
somthn weird is happenin to me today

HELP mwe i found mY neopets acCOUNT AND MY ACtIVE PETS NAME IS


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I tried taking an epsom salt bath and I haven't had a bath in 14 years and thanks to my condition I couldn't even get out of the bathtub and it did more damage than it did help ease the pain. Times like this I wish I would've killed myself before it got this bad.
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