What's bothering you?

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Yeah, that annoys me too.

I can't handle rejection but I will always react appropriately around others and then just be really upset when I'm alone. I know how annoying it is when people publicly react badly to it. I honestly wish it didn't get to me as much as it does but, though I can't control how I feel about it, I can always control how I react.

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A 2 out of 5 people dislike my art, I don't mind but just urks me in someway

I know that feeling and I would feel exactly the same if I were you. I can get a lot of compliments in one day but if just one person says something negative to me it can make me feel awful and forget about all the positive. If it makes you feel any better, from what I've seen, I like your art :)
That's true, I do get so mad sometimes but I don't let myself get into fist fights or something like that. It's nice to have some self-control.
i'm so cold but i'm on a roll w art so i dont wanna leave my room urk
My dog barfed on the couch and on to the floor and then he barfed on to the ground and no matter how many times I wash my hands they smell like barf
is your dog at least ok?

Yes it happens often, Cocker Spaniels have EXTREMELY sensative stomachs, one wrong or unusual thing and they puke. It is nothing to worry about

Personally I don't get it, people sell uncolored sketch line art that is very nice and wonderful for more then what I sell my just fine colored art for and people tell me I am bad to my face. Just makes me.... unhappy.... and this is on here, on DA, in real life... what is so wrong with me or my art. It feels ganged up on, almost bullying of how many people do tell me with honesty that my art sucks.... I get it that it isn't great but once a day at least one person tells me it isn't good or that theirs is better, why are people so mean when I just draw for fun and try to get enjoyment out of requests, if I ask for a payment it is honestly out of pride and time... why am I always placed in front of all for ridicule. And I do try to improve and I have from 8th grade to now it has changed a lot and I am still trying to improve yet people just keep on being cruel. And no the poll may say a lot more dislike then like but I asked for that and is not what I am complaining about
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Frustrated because I got a pretty terrible story assignment, complete with terrible interviews (no one wanted to talk or say anything of substance), and no matter how hard I try, the story isn't very good. Pretty sure my editor's annoyed with me, but this is literally the best I could do with what I got.
I think it's better off in the basement than in Brewster's Caf?. And why was it locked the first time? Was it because people were rude?
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