I hate that my shyness always gets in the way when I need someone to reach out to.
I am always here if you need to talk my dear
I hate that my shyness always gets in the way when I need someone to reach out to.
I hate that my shyness always gets in the way when I need someone to reach out to.
Thanks very much, that's really sweet of you.I am always here if you need to talk my dear
I'm sorry, I know it's a lame thing to go through. :/ This probably doesn't help at all since you're shy too but if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here.You aren't alone.
I'm just like that, in real life.
Thanks very much, that's really sweet of you.I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure you've already told that to me before and I'm beginning to feel bad cause whenever someone offers to talk I'm too shy to actually say anything, so it probably seems like I don't want anyone's help or something. I apologize if it comes across that way.
I'm sorry, I know it's a lame thing to go through. :/ This probably doesn't help at all since you're shy too but if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here.
Thanks guys, for your comfort <3
I'll really miss her, but she had really bad health problems and we couldn't provide proper care for her. We gave her to a Boston Terrier Rescue, so she will be in good hands. It does suck, but me and my family will be okay. If anyone else is struggling with losing a pet, feel free to come talk to me. I've lost a few pets... So I have an experience with that sadness.
I have not yet lost my dog but he is 10 and his breed lives to 12-13 years so I we are all preparing our selves. I am sorry your dog was sick and you had to give him up, but he is in a better place now, there are other dogs so maybe one will come wondering into your life one day :3 think positively and I know the sadness will go away
Ah... I remember when I prepared myself when my cat was getting older... Why can't pets live the span of our lives?
It's okay. Thank you again for your concern, it really means a lot to me. ^^
The rescue said we could call sometimes and see how she was doing or if she had a home yet, so that will help us keep tabs on her. I hope she's happier.
Just take a deep breath remember everything is just fine, your lovely and fabulous, life is amazing even if it is harsh at times
thanks, you two. the feeling kinda went away ever since i realized that life isnt forever, but ever since i fell into this weird spiral of events, its slowly returning.----
thanks, you two. the feeling kinda went away ever since i realized that life isnt forever, but ever since i fell into this weird spiral of events, its slowly returning.
and thanks, Lance. i kinda get it now.
Just take a deep breath remember everything is just fine, your lovely and fabulous, life is amazing even if it is harsh at times
When people don't take rejection well![]()