Procrastination is my biggest ***** right now. I'm failing 6 classes, and I already know which work to do if I want to catch up but I really don't feel like doing anything. I have to decide on which classes/electives to take next year and there is nothing fun to sign up for except being a Library assistant but you have to go through a whole long process if you want to be Library assistant. I don't want to sign up for band because I feel like everyone hates me there and there's a few people there that always make me in a bad mood and I don't want to deal with them. I can actually make a page long list of why I don't want to be in band anymore (even though I enjoy playing a music instrument). I don't want any teacher assistant classes because those are non-credit classes and I need as much credits as possible so I can get out of this **** hole. I hate how my school has no interesting classes. Also, I'm having trouble with Math and Chemistry but I'm scared to ask them for help because I know if I asked my Math teacher for help, the very first thing he would say is, "Maybe if you teens would stop using your cell phones and doing drugs and actually payed attention, you would pass this class.", or something like that. Just shut up, I asked for help not for your opinion on teens. And I'm scared to ask my Chemistry teacher for help because she has no inside voice, and she sucks at explaining things, which leaves me confused and I end up feeling stupid. This is why I rely on Google for any problems I'm having in school. The only class I'm actually passing is Agriculture, which is actually my least favorite class. Also, this week is our first Christmas performance which I'm not happy about because it means we have loads of other Christmas performances. I really hate public performances, especially when there are tourists watching.