What's bothering you?

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I have some really naughty pet apples. They bite, think apples are better than humans, and even want take over my TBT account. How can apples even use the iPhone or iPad with no hands?

We're having a mediterranean weather blast from where I live (even when it normally gets really cold in December). The weather had predicted lows in the high 50's and highs in the low 70's. Oh, and a few rainy days. I wish we had that kind of weather all year round in Texas.
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My 1000 post on one of my first threads and about 2 pgs back is all bumps.... *cries in corner*

Its 2am, gotta be up at 6:30ish and be awake for A LOT.... someone make me sleep, History Class isn't working
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I spilled my coffee all over my scarf lol

Oh well at least I won't be tired in school

- - - Post Merge - - -

I have some really naughty pet apples. They bite, think apples are better than humans, and even want take over my TBT account. How can apples even use the iPhone or iPad with no hands?

We're having a mediterranean weather blast from where I live (even when it normally gets really cold in December). The weather had predicted lows in the high 50's and highs in the low 70's. Oh, and a few rainy days. I wish we had that kind of weather all year round in Texas.

I can't handle how hilarious u r
Having to go back home after a week of being with the man I love.
I gotta get used to sleeping alone and I have to brace myself for my mental stuff to flare up.
Dad. Just why can't you leave us alone.. Sure, have your laptop and phone back idgad
I only have a few hours to think of an idea for my art project and I've got nothing.
my best friend that i've known for 3 years is no longer friends with me because of his girlfriend. im broken, i didnt even do anything
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my best friend that i've known for 3 years is no longer friends with me because of his girlfriend. im broken, i didnt even do anything

That means they weren't a good friend to begin with. It sucks, but it's going to save you a lot of trouble in the future. I've had something similar happen, except it was my cousin who decided to isolate us. I really hope your day gets better!
I know what I want to do for the Interion design contest finally, but all my pockets/storage/house/museum rooms are full, and there's stuff all over the ground and it's gonna take sooo long just to clear a room to do it in do I hAVE THE METTLE
Bro, every time I see you post, it's just cheese with a side of W H I N E! If you looked up the dictionary term for "making a mountain out of a mole-hill", guess what? Your picture would be there because that's what you do! Anytime anyone disagrees with you, you cry "woe is me!" and act like the world is ending and then wonder why people are annoyed by you. Then you're all "I'm being BULLIED!" so people can pity you. Hon, if that's what you consider "bullying", then you're gonna have a rude awakening when you see how real bullies act like.

So as to not get in trouble, who I'm talking about is entirely up to you.

Needed to get that off my chest.
someone tried to steal my bookbag today and I punched them in the face
something's telling me that I shouldn't have done that whoops
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I've a test coming up on covalent and ionic bonds and I'm not even sure I understand what the difference between the two is. :confused:
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When I was at school a teacher yelled at me for no reason. Like, no reason at all. I literally walked into the room, set my stuff down, then walked up to her to ask a question and she yells, "Don't talk to me!!!!!" like a ****ing psycho in front of the whole class. What an anal *****, maybe this is why I hate my teachers.

Oh, wait.

It is.
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