What's bothering you?

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Got my first accidental move out. Thank god its not a dreamie but bwegh gonna have to get Deirdre in first because of it.. And Doc held :L
mother's new bf thinks it's okay to tell me what to do. you are nothing to me, you're a hillbilly who lives across the street and I sure as hell don't care about your opinion guy

all I can do not to punch these useless hicks in the throat, moving into my house and crap good lord

I need to get far far away from these people
My Marshal in my main town ended up in boxes today. I could've sworn I told him not to move five days ago (trying to cycle someone else out), but nope! I think I was half asleep last night... or was it just the rumor and he never pinged? Anywho, luckily I have two more towns I can hold him in but... sigh, Solace is his home :'c

Also, I've been sick for a week, and I'm sick of it (hehe, no?). Any longer than say, Tuesday, I may have to go to the doctor.

And my laptop is acting up.
(so any delays replying to anyone, that may be the reason sometimes)
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Thanks guys, for ignoring my post, when you know, my value and worth as a human being is at stake here..... I appreciate the love, really, I do..... You're probably right though.... Your struggles are worse than mine. So be it. That's the first time anyone has told me that. Its liberating, I guess, to no longer be the "I am glad I am not YOU" person. I am sorry, RetroT, and I sympathize with you on many levels, particularly exams and financial hardship. And thank you littlemissmarzipanmermaid for reaching out. That's what this thread is here to do. But no one reached out to me. And MANY (not just me) MANY people get ignored on this thread. MANY people spill their guts out and just.... feel like no one is listening. THAT is what is bothering me right now.

You're right. No one really listens on many of these threads.

When I first joined, I thought it was common courtesy to at least respond to one or two before posting your own ideas. But I felt like I was in the minority; it seems commonplace here to just post your own thoughts and let that be the end of it. I know this isn't ALWAYS the case but it's a striking majority. I felt out of place.

But especially in a thread like these, a response can be VERY important- much more than people think. It could even save a life potentially.

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See, I am an older user (24) and I live common-law, in university, in a 6-year relationship, balancing finances with my "spouse", and its hard, some months are just really hard for us financially, and we re living on our own. We don't have kids or anything like that. We have 2 cats, who are twin brothers, but that's it. We budget as best as we can, but we have a very limited income.

I am an older user as well (22, in grad school, 4 year relationship, three turtles, finances go one way or the other). If you ever need a listening ear feel free to PM me!
if i read everything in this thread i wud probably get depressed. or become a serial killer.

Haha. Yes, some of it's depressing, but it's all about your perspective. If you're in a positive state of mind, you can always try to transfer some of that to help someone else get to a more positive state of mind as well. Then maybe some day the favor can be returned. It's a give and take sort of thread.
That's what I mean though, SO MANY PEOPLE get ignored and feel alone.

It was my post, then littlemissmarzipanmermaid, then RetroT in order on the previous page, and mine just got overlooked, I guess. Its not like it was 3 pages back or something, it was on the same page that you posted on.

But it doesn't matter. RetroT, you were SEEKING our help, not looking to help others (at the time) and I am SO glad littlemissmarzipanmermaid conversed with you over it.

I just know, as probably all of you do as well how much it hurts wen your post is ignored on this thread. So let's make an effort to try to respond to the post above us or something before we post something - I have tried doing that in the past and sometimes helping others helps you sort out your own **** too.

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See, I am an older user (24) and I live common-law, in university, in a 6-year relationship, balancing finances with my "spouse", and its hard, some months are just really hard for us financially, and we re living on our own. We don't have kids or anything like that. We have 2 cats, who are twin brothers, but that's it. We budget as best as we can, but we have a very limited income.

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What is your biggest and favourite thread?

It was on that post, just in white XD

The girl avatar is annoying but theres alot more better choices,while the guy avatar's cute but has awful choices with annoying kids.

Why fire emblem.
I'm too lazy to go through everything(and frankly have lost substantial interest in this forum for some time now) IN ANY case, oral tooth surgery sucks!
lmao when i'm texting people and they reply with 1-2 words then scream at me for not talking to them like shut the **** up you weren't even trying to pay attention

I'm too lazy to go through everything(and frankly have lost substantial interest in this forum for some time now) IN ANY case, oral tooth surgery sucks!

Oral tooth surgery? My neice had to go through that a week ago and it definitely does not sound pleasant, lol.
lmao when i'm texting people and they reply with 1-2 words then scream at me for not talking to them like shut the **** up you weren't even trying to pay attention

Oral tooth surgery? My neice had to go through that a week ago and it definitely does not sound pleasant, lol.

This. It's like when someone replies lol and you're not sure if that's the conversation ender or what.
I bet you guys would be disappointed in what I just did, so I'm gonna spoiler it.

Okay, "The Great Escape" level in LBP3 is what I just declared to be impossible to ace (complete the level without losing a life). The hazards come in too quick and are hard to dodge (but they aren't unavoidable). I played almost the entire level without losing a single life, but at the end, I lost a life. What did I do? I sent a good grief report for being difficult to ace. I bet I would get a moderation for abusing the report feature. The good grief tool is only for violations only. If there's any content online that is mature, obscene, racist, illegal, violent, defamatory, or unsuitable for online for a different reason, it must be reported by using the good grief tool. However, you cannot use it just because you see something that you don't like or that you find hard and frustrating to play. I just reported it for being frustrating to play, which is against the Little Big Planet 3 End-user License Agreement. That's not good.

However, I did it for a reason. The thing here is that you can get prizes if you ace the level (definition: complete without losing even one life, even if there are more than one players). If you're gonna put prizes for acing a level, you have to expect people to ace the level. You shouldn't expect them to ace if it's going to be too hard. I have been playing LBP for five years now, and I am good at these levels. However, that level is way too hard. I had a much easier time acing "Full Metal Rabbit", "Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge", and "Into the Heart of the Negativitron" in LBP2 (all of them being very hard to ace).

The thing here is that levels can get moderated if they are community levels and have inappropriate content. "The Great Escape" is a story level (level made by the producers of the game), and I reported it for being hard. I know it's shameful, but it's a bad idea to give out prizes or trophies for acing a level that is impossibly hard, especially when the target audience is children. I regret sending the report, but I think Sumo Digital needs to make it easier.
My dad just told me to **** myself.

I hope he dies soon. I truly do. I have never wanted someone to die so badly in my life.
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My dad just told me to **** myself.

I hope he dies soon. I truly do. I have never wanted someone to die so badly in my life.
I'm sorry you had to hear that, you don't deserve to be told that (at least I can't imagine that you would) and your dad sounds really mean. :/
My dad just told me to **** myself.

I hope he dies soon. I truly do. I have never wanted someone to die so badly in my life.

That's terrible.:( Once my dad told me to grow some "balls." He's an adlt, he should be more mature and not so innapropriate... Does he always act that way?:

Now my Art grade is an F for several reasons.The teachers disorganized. I'm disorganized (seven classes?So hard to organize past elemantary...),and I just transfered to that class so I've missed A LOT.
I bet you guys would be disappointed in what I just did, so I'm gonna spoiler it.

Okay, "The Great Escape" level in LBP3 is what I just declared to be impossible to ace (complete the level without losing a life). The hazards come in too quick and are hard to dodge (but they aren't unavoidable). I played almost the entire level without losing a single life, but at the end, I lost a life. What did I do? I sent a good grief report for being difficult to ace. I bet I would get a moderation for abusing the report feature. The good grief tool is only for violations only. If there's any content online that is mature, obscene, racist, illegal, violent, defamatory, or unsuitable for online for a different reason, it must be reported by using the good grief tool. However, you cannot use it just because you see something that you don't like or that you find hard and frustrating to play. I just reported it for being frustrating to play, which is against the Little Big Planet 3 End-user License Agreement. That's not good.

However, I did it for a reason. The thing here is that you can get prizes if you ace the level (definition: complete without losing even one life, even if there are more than one players). If you're gonna put prizes for acing a level, you have to expect people to ace the level. You shouldn't expect them to ace if it's going to be too hard. I have been playing LBP for five years now, and I am good at these levels. However, that level is way too hard. I had a much easier time acing "Full Metal Rabbit", "Where in the World is Avalon Centrifuge", and "Into the Heart of the Negativitron" in LBP2 (all of them being very hard to ace).

The thing here is that levels can get moderated if they are community levels and have inappropriate content. "The Great Escape" is a story level (level made by the producers of the game), and I reported it for being hard. I know it's shameful, but it's a bad idea to give out prizes or trophies for acing a level that is impossibly hard, especially when the target audience is children. I regret sending the report, but I think Sumo Digital needs to make it easier.

The buds at LBP ain't obligated to make a level easier for you. Unless it's actually impossible-impossible, which it doesn't sound like, just try harder. And I'm no LBP pro, but is it really a big deal not to get that prize?
My dad just told me to **** myself.

I hope he dies soon. I truly do. I have never wanted someone to die so badly in my life.

*hugs tightly* just come live with me like omg this makes me so sad and i just wanna bake for you and make you happy again chin up dear, it gets better <33333 ily ok

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what's bothering me though.... my boyfriend is fast asleep right next to me and i just wanna cuddle really badly
frick his morning shifts at work
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I have to talk to a teacher tomorrow because it's gotten to a point where every class is a waste of time because the tests are utterly unrelated and then she insults us and calls us stupid. It gets worse when I factor in my anxiety in talking with people (especially when I have to defend myself) and the fact that she's condescending and rude to anyone that doesn't agree with her.
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