What's bothering you?

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I've been having on and off stomach aches all day and I have to go somewhere in about and 2 hours. I'm scared to eat since the last time I ate something, my stomach started to hurt a lot. Also, I left my homework at school and I' already doing poorly in a lot of classes so I can't afford to miss any assignments. I can text my friend to grab it for me since he's going up to the school, but my phone died and I don't have a charger yet and he never has his phone with him. Also, I'm hoping my dad comes back soon so he can drop me off to where I need to go.
My mom always seems to get mad at me for no reason whenever I'm out with friends, and now I'm really worried that she's gonna do something stupid again like not let me back inside the house.
My mom always seems to get mad at me for no reason whenever I'm out with friends, and now I'm really worried that she's gonna do something stupid again like not let me back inside the house.

u can come 2 mah place bby
My boyfriend and I are really broke right now, and we can't afford decent meals, and I don't eat much, or at all, so I am used to not eating, but he is 6'5" and has the metabolism of a teenage boy and goes through large pizzas to himself without getting fat.... HE NEEDS FOOD. He went all day without food today, and he was delirious, and woozy, and nauseous, and had a headache, and we had to proctor an exam for 3 hours and then grade them for another 3-4 hours..... the poor guy.... I feel like an awful girlfriend because i CAN'T PROVIDE for him. And its my JOB! We get paid on Friday..... so we will be okay then. ITs surviving UNTIL then that's problematic.
My boyfriend's mom hates me all of a sudden and has been putting my boyfriend down over me for the past couple of days. I'm horrible and they don't want me with him anymore. I don't think we're going to be together much longer. I've been too depressed to bother with my final exam papers or studying. It's like every irrational thought I've been harboring is true: I'm not good enough. I don't deserve him. He will leave me. I will be alone.

I started pulling my hair out again, lol.
I can't do more than that because then he will leave me if he sees the bruises again.
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Okay, so I've been making like 473289 posts about this so it's just gonna be here now because i dont really care anymore ok
So, basically, school has got me really stressed. I have two five-page essays to start, which, by the way, are due Wednesday - and I have 6 other two page papers to complete by Tuesday. I wasn't in school for a week so I have yet more homework - a test study packet, an actual test, and 3 two-sided papers. That gives me 16 things to finish by Wednesday, no less. Who the **** expects me to finish this **** in 3 goddamn days? Seriously - that's barely even possible. Oh, yeah, did I mention that exams are this week? The day after I have to turn in all of my papers? Yeah. Because they are. What the actual ****? I have enough stress with financial issues and my dad stealing my ****ing money, and I haven't eaten something other than potato chips in 2 days because I have no money to spend, having to repair my heater and my ****ing washing machine. I literally want to quit school right now. I know I won't, but I really can't take this this week. I don't want to do anything, I barely have any motivation to go to the bus stop just for 3 minutes. I'm starving, I'm stressed, and all of my friends are basically gone. Thanks.
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Okay, so I've been making like 473289 posts about this so it's just gonna be here now because i dont really care anymore ok
So, basically, school has got me really stressed. I have two five-page essays to start, which, by the way, are due Wednesday - and I have 6 other two page papers to complete by Tuesday. I wasn't in school for a week so I have yet more homework - a test study packet, an actual test, and 3 two-sided papers. That gives me 16 things to finish by Wednesday, no less. Who the **** expects me to finish this **** in 3 goddamn days? Seriously - that's barely even possible. Oh, yeah, did I mention that exams are this week? The day after I have to turn in all of my papers? Yeah. Because they are. What the actual ****? I have enough stress with financial issues and my dad stealing my ****ing money, and I haven't eaten something other than potato chips in 2 days because I have no money to spend, having to repair my heater and my ****ing washing machine. I literally want to quit school right now. I know I won't, but I really can't take this this week. I don't want to do anything, I barely have any motivation to go to the bus stop just for 3 minutes. I'm starving, I'm stressed, and all of my friends are basically gone. Thanks.

Jesus... And I thought my school cram weekend/week was bad.
I don't know why they decide to throw more crap at us when the semester is ending in a couple of days.
Especially with exams and ughhhhh.
Okay, okay, maybe we can help? What are your things over? Maybe some of us can help?
Maybe you can prioritize it depending on how much each thing is worth or your grade in the class? (I'm forced to do this.)

As for the money/food thing, I'm really sorry to hear that. :( That's awful. I don't even know what to say.
Jesus... And I thought my school cram weekend/week was bad.
I don't know why they decide to throw more crap at us when the semester is ending in a couple of days.
Especially with exams and ughhhhh.
Okay, okay, maybe we can help? What are your things over? Maybe some of us can help?
Maybe you can prioritize it depending on how much each thing is worth or your grade in the class? (I'm forced to do this.)

As for the money/food thing, I'm really sorry to hear that. :( That's awful. I don't even know what to say.

It's alright. All of our exam weeks are horrible for everyone, ha ha.
I know how to do it, trust me, I just.. don't really want to do it. Which is bad, but I just can't, for some reason? I usually do that, also. But It's more like: "Hey, I have an A in that class, I'll just not turn this in.", but I want to finish all of them because I know my teachers will all up and lecture me for the whole class if I don't.

It's okay, I'll figure something out soon with the money and all. I've been looking for another job because It's cold as balls here, lol. Thanks for your concern, though. It means a lot to me. :)

Also, I hope your relationship works out. I don't think their parent's should be doing that to you because that's disgusting and rude. No one should have to go through that.
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Definitely the LBP3 level "The Great Escape". It's not even possible to ace. I wish I can good grief it, but that's considered abusing the reporting system.
It's alright. All of our exam weeks are horrible for everyone, ha ha.
I know how to do it, trust me, I just.. don't really want to do it. Which is bad, but I just can't, for some reason? I usually do that, also. But It's more like: "Hey, I have an A in that class, I'll just not turn this in.", but I want to finish all of them because I know my teachers will all up and lecture me for the whole class if I don't.

It's okay, I'll figure something out soon with the money and all. I've been looking for another job because It's cold as balls here, lol. Thanks for your concern, though. It means a lot to me. :)

Also, I hope your relationship works out. I don't think their parent's should be doing that to you because that's disgusting and rude. No one should have to go through that.

Exams are just terrible. And I hate that some of mine are take home because it's like, "Hey, here's all your homework. Oh, and don't forget to do your super important final on top of all that and turn it all in on time the last day of class." I've been working on a six page paper for photography for the last 3 days; it is due on Wednesday. I'm barely on page two for the same reason you said. I don't really want to do it, but I know I should, but I don't want to.

I hope you figure out the money thing soon and good luck on finding a new job (and staying warm!). I'm in the same boat right now so I know the feel.

And thanks. It's just a complete mess lately. She always does this. And it'll be on me to make things right.
People seem to hate and avoid my biggest and favorite thread nowadays. (my art thread)
Not a big deal, but I wish I enjoyed my sandwich earlier today. I was feeling nauseous today eating it but now I'm craving it :c
Thanks guys, for ignoring my post, when you know, my value and worth as a human being is at stake here..... I appreciate the love, really, I do..... You're probably right though.... Your struggles are worse than mine. So be it. That's the first time anyone has told me that. Its liberating, I guess, to no longer be the "I am glad I am not YOU" person. I am sorry, RetroT, and I sympathize with you on many levels, particularly exams and financial hardship. And thank you littlemissmarzipanmermaid for reaching out. That's what this thread is here to do. But no one reached out to me. And MANY (not just me) MANY people get ignored on this thread. MANY people spill their guts out and just.... feel like no one is listening. THAT is what is bothering me right now.
Thanks guys, for ignoring my post, when you know, my value and worth as a human being is at stake here..... I appreciate the love, really, I do..... You're probably right though.... Your struggles are worse than mine. So be it. That's the first time anyone has told me that. Its liberating, I guess, to no longer be the "I am glad I am not YOU" person. I am sorry, RetroT, and I sympathize with you on many levels, particularly exams and financial hardship. And thank you littlemissmarzipanmermaid for reaching out. That's what this thread is here to do. But no one reached out to me. And MANY (not just me) MANY people get ignored on this thread. MANY people spill their guts out and just.... feel like no one is listening. THAT is what is bothering me right now.

I'm sorry if I were ignoring you. You deserve more attention and less ignoring.
Thanks guys, for ignoring my post, when you know, my value and worth as a human being is at stake here..... I appreciate the love, really, I do..... You're probably right though.... Your struggles are worse than mine. So be it. That's the first time anyone has told me that. Its liberating, I guess, to no longer be the "I am glad I am not YOU" person. I am sorry, RetroT, and I sympathize with you on many levels, particularly exams and financial hardship. And thank you littlemissmarzipanmermaid for reaching out. That's what this thread is here to do. But no one reached out to me. And MANY (not just me) MANY people get ignored on this thread. MANY people spill their guts out and just.... feel like no one is listening. THAT is what is bothering me right now.

We all have been ignored, many times on this thread. I have spilled my guts out and been ignored. Many times it isn't to look for help but it feels good to just say it. Sorry you were ignored when you wished for to talk, if I had seen your post I would have probably replied. So many pages go by from when I post that I always just skip to the last page... Sorry
Thanks guys, for ignoring my post, when you know, my value and worth as a human being is at stake here..... I appreciate the love, really, I do..... You're probably right though.... Your struggles are worse than mine. So be it. That's the first time anyone has told me that. Its liberating, I guess, to no longer be the "I am glad I am not YOU" person. I am sorry, RetroT, and I sympathize with you on many levels, particularly exams and financial hardship. And thank you littlemissmarzipanmermaid for reaching out. That's what this thread is here to do. But no one reached out to me. And MANY (not just me) MANY people get ignored on this thread. MANY people spill their guts out and just.... feel like no one is listening. THAT is what is bothering me right now.

I'm sorry for ignoring you. I don't think people ever meant to, or purposely trying to. It's just...hard to respond. I'm younger than most users here (I won't mention my age; that is too personal to me). I sympathize with your hardships, I think my parents are struggling with money plans, considering my older sister's college funds and an air trip my father has to go to because of a family issue. You're definitely not alone <3
That's what I mean though, SO MANY PEOPLE get ignored and feel alone.

It was my post, then littlemissmarzipanmermaid, then RetroT in order on the previous page, and mine just got overlooked, I guess. Its not like it was 3 pages back or something, it was on the same page that you posted on.

But it doesn't matter. RetroT, you were SEEKING our help, not looking to help others (at the time) and I am SO glad littlemissmarzipanmermaid conversed with you over it.

I just know, as probably all of you do as well how much it hurts wen your post is ignored on this thread. So let's make an effort to try to respond to the post above us or something before we post something - I have tried doing that in the past and sometimes helping others helps you sort out your own **** too.

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I'm sorry for ignoring you. I don't think people ever meant to, or purposely trying to. It's just...hard to respond. I'm younger than most users here (I won't mention my age; that is too personal to me). I sympathize with your hardships, I think my parents are struggling with money plans, considering my older sister's college funds and an air trip my father has to go to because of a family issue. You're definitely not alone <3

See, I am an older user (24) and I live common-law, in university, in a 6-year relationship, balancing finances with my "spouse", and its hard, some months are just really hard for us financially, and we re living on our own. We don't have kids or anything like that. We have 2 cats, who are twin brothers, but that's it. We budget as best as we can, but we have a very limited income.

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People seem to hate and avoid my biggest and favorite thread nowadays. (my art thread)

What is your biggest and favourite thread?
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