I've been thinking about what I'm going to do after High school.
Because my mom is sick most of the time i've had my grades plummeting down between sophomore and junior year, not only does her sickness make me depressed myself but I have to hide my feelings and my grades or she'll just get more depressed than what she is currently and get worse.
This year I got better grades but still I just don't know what i'll do about those crippling grades I got the last two years. Not going to drop out but honestly I'm feeling there's no point in getting any As or Bs anymore. I doubt I can do anything to improve them either.
You say that you don't know what's going on. You tell me that they didn't tell you what I was diagnosed with. You say that you don't understand English well. You ask me if I can share with you what I need, and to just talk to you. Then you leave the room, saying that you're so tired.
I don't think I am comfortable in talking to someone who has mocked and belittled me when I was having a mental breakdown. During those times when I was clearly in distress, you have simply called me crazy and laughed at me. As I was bawling my eyes out, you told me that it wasn't a big deal. Why should I confide in you, when you have dismissed my feelings and made them seem unimportant? Besides, you don't really care for me. You've said that you would've been better off if I wasn't born. You wished you adopted a child instead.
My college just dropped 10 of my credits for no reason & they won't give me an explanation, which now means I won't graduate period because I can't stay an extra semester. Hoping for a miracle...
I'm 100% sure that I used to watch this animated kid show when I was a kid, but I can't remember the name, and googling keywords haven't given me any luck. My family thinks I have imagined this show, and I'm starting to think I may have dreamt it or imagined it like they say, because I cant find it anywhere, aaaaah!
Ok so it used to go on the television around early 2000 if I'm correct, and it was about this group of animals who were also some type of Totally Spies- kind of agents. Each day they were given a new mission and they had to help someone, catch a thief or stuff like that. In the end of each episode all the animals was kind of standing in a line with the "boss" in front of them (like Gary, haha). And he would reward one of the animals for doing a extra good job, which was done by them standing under a confetti thing so it would come confetti down at them. Then they celebrated and the episode ended.
the last few weeks have been so draining and my poor doggo is still sick and i'm starting to really ****ing worry. i've been barely sleeping because i've had to stay up all night with her to let her outside frequently and i'm just.. running on fumes at this point.