What's Bothering You?

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I'm 100% sure that I used to watch this animated kid show when I was a kid, but I can't remember the name, and googling keywords haven't given me any luck. My family thinks I have imagined this show, and I'm starting to think I may have dreamt it or imagined it like they say, because I cant find it anywhere, aaaaah!

Ok so it used to go on the television around early 2000 if I'm correct, and it was about this group of animals who were also some type of Totally Spies- kind of agents. Each day they were given a new mission and they had to help someone, catch a thief or stuff like that. In the end of each episode all the animals was kind of standing in a line with the "boss" in front of them (like Gary, haha). And he would reward one of the animals for doing a extra good job, which was done by them standing under a confetti thing so it would come confetti down at them. Then they celebrated and the episode ended.


I think you could be talking about the show save-ums I used to watch the show as a kid its about animals solving mysteries/crimes
This thread can be depressing at times...I feel bad for all of you! May you all get better. As for me, my freaking left leg still feels "tight". Hope it goes away later on today.
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goddamn pillow or whatever i need to get a new bc i swear it's giving me headaches

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Tag, you're it" by Melanie Martinez is way too catchy for a song about sexual assault and I feel bad for liking it

...wtf man

not a fan of hers but this decade's music about dumb songs like that why.
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It's always fun dealing with double the stomach ache...

Also why do I have to be sick now, it's really difficult to deal with these rambunctious kittens when every time I move around I feel nauseous :sad:
I'm so terrible at those puzzles it's not even funny omg my eyes hurt.
ugh i miss the tumblr community but i refuse to go back to that MESS
- - - Post Merge - - -

...wtf man

not a fan of hers but this decade's music about dumb songs like that why.

Thank you! This has been on my mind recently. Directly related to mainstream/pop music and more, "nice to listen to" songs yet displeasing and wrong lyrics.
woke up with a massive migraine so went back to sleep and now its 5 and i still have a migraine...........
I've been sleeping off and on for the last 5 hours, and now I'm awake again and everyone else is asleep. Something about being really sick and alone is just unsettling to me.
I just updated my art shop for, like, the first time in forever and I can't even see the post I just made because of that stupid post glitch thing on here... :(

Also since I slept like all day, now it's 12am and I cant fall back asleep. But I'm not feeling well, I've developed a headache, and I feel dehydrated but I can't get myself to drink anything for some reason. Ughhhhhh
I just updated my art shop for, like, the first time in forever and I can't even see the post I just made because of that stupid post glitch thing on here... :(
The post glitch is really frustrating and happens just at the worst times. :(
I hope you'll feel better soon too!
I think you could be talking about the show save-ums I used to watch the show as a kid its about animals solving mysteries/crimes

Hahaha I became super hyped when I saw your response, but sadly it wasn't the right one. Appreciate it tho ♡
I'm due for a haircut but ughsfdwe9uf239ur I don't wanna. . .looking at my dumb face in that mirror is a downer.
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