What's Bothering You?

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I'm trying to find a cover of one of the comics, instead I'm getting cosplay pics that wouldn't be used by anyone trying to promote their services.

oh lmao.

anyways trying to sr/hatch for shinies is just ass on usum games honestly like yeah right shiny charm increases :lemon:
One of my brackets is starting to come offfffff and I don't have an appointment until next week.
Do people even use earphones anymore? Sheesh...
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I've been looking and I've gathered a list of some Xbox games that I would like to try if I did get the system, so I've asked my dad to get me one for Christmas (we haven't opened presents yet since he went to California and wasn't home on Christmas). It would be nice to get GW2 along with some other games if he did end up getting me the console. It just sucks I blew $8 on the PC version, but it's whatever. :rolleyes:

You sound confident that you're going to going to get an xbox. Is there a present that looks suspiciously big like a console? :)

Could of been worse. A while back i spent 30 pounds on a second hand game just to realize it was region locked to America and not Europe. But you live and learn.
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@everyone who sent me birthday wishes

i didnt get any from my friends which makes me really sad

but you have helped soften the grief a bit

if you send birthday wishes to everyone, keep on doing it because it might mean a lot more than you think

it sounds pretentious but i mean that. i have been through a lot and i feel a little more appreciated


We're glad we can help with that, so sorry that's been happening. Personally, a strong believer in fate; everything happens for a reason. So-called friends are meant to be lifted out and replaced with better, genuine friends. <3
wow being a film/music/tv series pro reviewer must be hella boring, i bet they get more pay the more they hate on stuff lol
I made quite a bit of progress on City Folk this morning, then like 30-40 min later the darn game randomly told me an error occurred and the console froze. Ofc I got chewed out by that dumba** mole even tho it wasn't even my fault ugngnghnhng

I've pretty much gotten everything back, but earlier I caught a dung beetle and got the invitation to Redd's and now I gotta get those again rip

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Also why tf is there no "save and continue" feauture on city folk??? That's a load of crap.
Certain posts I made in the past. I deeply regret them! :/
Not being able to count down the way I hoped to again. Last year, was left to cry after a fight last 10 seconds before 2018. Now, looking after mum making sure she doesn't have another seizure. But I'm glad she's not alone, and she is my world.

I'm hoping we're all in a better place counting down to 2020.

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Certain posts I made in the past. I deeply regret them! :/

I'm curious!
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