What's Bothering You?

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I just hate it how sites force you to put your mobile number in on order to sign up/sign in my goodness!

yeah i hate how they use that just to confirm it's "you" like how would they know lmao that someone didn't take it...
Today is the 18th anniversary of my falling down the stairs in our previous home and becoming disabled. I broke the thin bone in my right calf and snapped my foot completed off of my ankle. There are surgical steel plates & screws holding my leg together and my foot back onto my body. I can still hear the sound my leg made when it broke.... ��
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Today is the 18th anniversary of my falling down the stairs in our previous home and becoming disabled. I broke the thin bone in my right calf and snapped my foot completed off of my ankle. There are surgical steel plates & screws holding my leg together and my foot back onto my body. I can still hear the sound my leg made when it broke.... ��

I love you so much, Val :(
Today is the 18th anniversary of my falling down the stairs in our previous home and becoming disabled. I broke the thin bone in my right calf and snapped my foot completed off of my ankle. There are surgical steel plates & screws holding my leg together and my foot back onto my body. I can still hear the sound my leg made when it broke.... ��

dayum D: that sounds really serious...

also mom can you stop being annoying
I want to start an art thread or a shop or something, but I'm scared I'll just get ignored lmao I'm also really lazy uh
I love you so much, Val :(

I love you too, my dear one. I'm sorry your stomach is bothering you and that your kitty was out of food. I hope you can rest for a bit today.

- - - Post Merge - - -

dayum D: that sounds really serious...

also mom can you stop being annoying

Yeah, it was pretty bad. On the X-Ray on my leg my foot was about an inch away from the rest of my leg. My husband went pale when he saw it.

I'm sorry your mom is being annoying today.
Today is the 18th anniversary of my falling down the stairs in our previous home and becoming disabled. I broke the thin bone in my right calf and snapped my foot completed off of my ankle. There are surgical steel plates & screws holding my leg together and my foot back onto my body. I can still hear the sound my leg made when it broke.... ��

Damn, that's terrible... I'm really sorry that happened. Keep on staying strong, love. <3
I love you too, my dear one. I'm sorry your stomach is bothering you and that your kitty was out of food. I hope you can rest for a bit today.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yeah, it was pretty bad. On the X-Ray on my leg my foot was about an inch away from the rest of my leg. My husband went pale when he saw it.

I'm sorry your mom is being annoying today.

I can imagine, holy **** i'm sorry too D:

thanks, she's just being overly dramatic which sometimes drive me nuts. Like why would I joke about needing a new phone.. I mean I don't have the best economy but this one is getting to strain my eyes and it acting weird.
Damn, that's terrible... I'm really sorry that happened. Keep on staying strong, love. <3

Thank you. I'll keep going for my family. And for CraigyFerg. ;)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I can imagine, holy **** i'm sorry too D:

thanks, she's just being overly dramatic which sometimes drive me nuts. Like why would I joke about needing a new phone.. I mean I don't have the best economy but this one is getting to strain my eyes and it acting weird.

Thank you very much.

Ah. Yeah, sometimes moms get that way. My mom does it to me and I'm sure my son would say I've don it to him. (I don't remember but I probably did.) I'm sorry about your phone. These phones are sometimes the best & worst inventions ever.
Thank you. I'll keep going for my family. And for CraigyFerg. ;)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Thank you very much.

Ah. Yeah, sometimes moms get that way. My mom does it to me and I'm sure my son would say I've don it to him. (I don't remember but I probably did.) I'm sorry about your phone. These phones are sometimes the best & worst inventions ever.

Yeah honestly she's like that most of her time not sleeping so yeah I guess I live with it but she never listens properly so it's like talking to a wall lol. Like okay if you have something against it you can tell me as an adult not as my parent thank you.

Yeah, they are sadly we need them :p
Yeah honestly she's like that most of her time not sleeping so yeah I guess I live with it but she never listens properly so it's like talking to a wall lol. Like okay if you have something against it you can tell me as an adult not as my parent thank you.

Yeah, they are sadly we need them :p

Your mom sounds a bit like my mother-in-law. MIL doesn't really listen and then overreacts to what she thinks she heard. My hubby is better at dealing with her than I am.

That's true. I sort of wish we didn't need them some days.
Your mom sounds a bit like my mother-in-law. MIL doesn't really listen and then overreacts to what she thinks she heard. My hubby is better at dealing with her than I am.

That's true. I sort of wish we didn't need them some days.

Yeah like, can you show some respect when I have to listen to your rants all day and you screaming across the apartment lol.

yeah, same they are tbh annoying and expensive and apps are just taking our time.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard my parents bickering about some dumb **** I could buy a condo on the moon.
my family member in the hospital had to get intubated again which went fine but she now has to have surgery tomorrow because someone else f-ed up a simple procedure AKA life is terrible
Currently suffering from a nasty head cold. I have to come into work tomorrow since nobody will respond to my request of having someone work for me. I’m a waitress and the last thing I want to do is spread my head cold germs everywhere in a restaurant.
I need to be better.

my family member in the hospital had to get intubated again which went fine but she now has to have surgery tomorrow because someone else f-ed up a simple procedure AKA life is terrible

Wishing that all goes well for your family member. <3

Currently suffering from a nasty head cold. I have to come into work tomorrow since nobody will respond to my request of having someone work for me. I?m a waitress and the last thing I want to do is spread my head cold germs everywhere in a restaurant.

Hey, hope you get well soon c:
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I was finally getting into a good space with myself & my parents have made me suicidal again.
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