What's Bothering You?

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It's official, my baby (kitten) Luca has to be taken away... I love you so much. You've kept me company in my darkest times for some time now, and I'll miss you. </3
^^Sorry to hear that!:(
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It's official, my baby (kitten) Luca has to be taken away... I love you so much. You've kept me company in my darkest times for some time now, and I'll miss you. </3

I'm so, so sorry.

- - - Post Merge - - -

My husband was in a car accident on his way home from work. Thankfully neither the other driver nor my husband were. the other driver's car has very little damage but our van which we've done some modifications to so we can transport my electric mobility chair easily is badly damaged. The front end is sort of... crunched. I'm hoping it can be repaired.
i can kind of relate to this feeling of really enjoying having a crush and not saying anything...
but at the same time, part of me likes the idea of maybe eventually having more than just a crush.. like, i have no problem sitting in my feels right now, but they're coming to visit at the end on the month and again in febuary to hang out and i'm just, i don't wanna act a fool because i have this big stinking crush on them and don't know how to act normal. like i've been notorious lately for saying the stupidest **** in front of them and i mean they laughed and thought its cute and yadda yadda but i feel like in person i'm not going to be able to hide the fact that anytime they say anything to me or even look at me i'm going to blush like a middle school girl. i am not prepared for that kind of embarrassment. part of me would rather know its unrequited and just like, take a step back and stop trying to test the waters.. but man, crushes are so ****ing weird for me sometimes. i need an adult. i'm almost 25 and still don't understand how to crush normally.
Ah they're visiting, I see. Well, while I agree with what your friend said, also I feel like just letting it go as it goes naturally would look better. 'Cause, even just by reading what you said, I can assume your crush is not small. When it's not casual one and you brought it up and knew they didn't have special feelings for you, it'd make you down. It would pain you to try acting the same as before - as friends. That kind of pain isn't worth. Not be scared and just showing yourself as you feel ( including getting all blushed! haha. ) would be better, I guess. Even if they aren't feeling that way immediately, it's okay for you to feel that way to them. Because why not? :rolleyes: No one would feel bad by being liked from a cute person like you.
Feelings are mutual, it usually resonates. So no stepping back, no bringing it up, just showing yourself as you are would lead to where it should settle. That's my best bet.
Sending a wish, for it to turn out lovely!

- - - Post Merge - - -

My husband was in a car accident on his way home from work. Thankfully neither the other driver nor my husband were. the other driver's car has very little damage but our van which we've done some modifications to so we can transport my electric mobility chair easily is badly damaged. The front end is sort of... crunched. I'm hoping it can be repaired.
Wow odd coincidence. Sorry to hear, car accident and things that come with it must be exhausting; but it was good that no one got hurt.
DMV visit early tomorrow. There's about a 90% chance of having some very bad news, but it must be done.
I wish stuff like this didn't give me anxiety to the point of sickness.
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I haven't posted in awhile, but what's really bothering me right now is this stupid cold. This is the third year in a row where I have gotten sick. Worst of all, I got it the day after my mom just got out of surgery! Talk about the worst! I'm trying my best to stay away from her and my dad. They both can't afford to be sick. I'm soooo miserable right now. >.<
IM SO TIRED AAAAAHH how is it only Tuesday T-T i should get up and make coffee but I'll probably just be lazy and buy one in town bleh
Any particular reason you’ve chosen to behave like a toddler today dad?
Any particular reason you’ve chosen to behave like a toddler today dad?

my dad whenever he opens his mouth -.-


@valzed and honeyaura.. i'm sorry for what happened ksdjhfjdfk stay strong!


i wish i wasn't allergic to nuts and peanuts :(
If you're going to kick my kitten out of the house and rip my heart out, please at least give me time to find her a loving home or at least a no-kill organization. She'll no longer be a stray cat, she deserves better </3

@Sheila: thanks love, hanging in there x
If you're going to kick my kitten out of the house and rip my heart out, please at least give me time to find her a loving home or at least a no-kill organization. She'll no longer be a stray cat, she deserves better </3

@Sheila: thanks love, hanging in there x

Blargggghh must suck so hard to have something taken away like that... :( np, hang in there <3
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