What's Bothering You?

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was coming home on the bus and someone threw a chewed sticky gummy in my hair. i have extremely long hair. i had to rip it out and and shower and now im finding broken strands of my hair coming out. F-M-L.
I slept from 2am until about 8am, and then from 9:30am to about 3:15pm. And I'm still tired????

I don't want to be put on any sleeping meds or anything but this constant tiredness is getting ridiculous
Coming to the frustrating conclusion that I've pretty much forgotten how to draw again because I'm a dumbass and take like year-long breaks from art. :I and it's FREEZING in the house so I can't even comfortably sit here and waste my time trying. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood and probably should just come back to this later .. like 14 months from now. sigh
Even when I specifically tell Google not to look at my location, it still somehow knows where I am. Why even give me the option if you are simply going to disregard what I tell you?
lmao thanks for your sympathy, dad, while I'm really sick >.>
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seriously just blew like 2-3 hours and came up with total garbage. u.u
ive meant to be packing for like days now bc im moving but i always have no energy and so im super lazy and it makes me hate myself more
I had a dream that there were like 100 toy hammers in stock and now I wish I never woke up lol
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