What's Bothering You?

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I seriously don't want to move back into my dorm. I hate living there. I hate every second of it.

I'm reconsidering moving into a single dorm. I just hate the fact that moving back into my dorm is keeping me from going back to college as soon as possible.
mm I wanted to try for 6 love balls (theyre my favorite pkball and I've wanted them as a collectible 4ever) but there's just no way with them going for as much as they are right now @@
my frind said she was playing mario kart and i was like cool is that mario kart 6? then my other friend says its the 1st mario kart and im like hell no that isnt the first mario kart. then the friend playing mario kart says she doesnt know what mario kart it is. then i said what console is she playing it on. then she said an LG tv. i asked her what CONSOLE. then she says idk and send a picture of a wii with the caption "idk what this is"...

why am i friends with these people?
mom stop having curtains like those if u cant even put em up.

also sring for a shiny kyurem kms (yes i got one from a friend on gen 6 but i'm doing this with zebra and also nothing wrong with two)
mom stop having curtains like those if u cant even put em up.

also sring for a shiny kyurem kms (yes i got one from a friend on gen 6 but i'm doing this with zebra and also nothing wrong with two)

Did you mean Zekrom? (oh, autocorrect tryna sabotage) I enjoy the idea of an actual zebra/Zebstrika being a pseudo-legendary or mythical Pok?mon actually lol (,:

In any case, hope you've had good RNG with the SRing in general. <3

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I need to be more diligent about my positive affirmations o m g.
I'm not ready to go back to college, face my advisor, and tell him I don't want to do math anymore. I'm afraid of how he will react.

I'm also completely resenting having to go back to my dorm. I don't want to be miserable for another 3 months.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also I have a twenty one pilots song stuck in my head and I hate it
The pigeons attacked my red hibiscus. Again. Every time it blooms those pests with wings go and pluck the flowers.
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