What's Bothering You?

I had one of the worst panic attacks ever last night. It was on and off for about an hour, and at one point I was hyperventilating for about two minutes before being able to breathe normally, and I completely drenched my pillow. I didn't fall asleep until about one in the morning.

As for what caused it? A lot of things. Our math/science substitute is making our lives a living hell, and I risk losing my good course recommendations for next year because she is so horrible at teaching. The girl I mentioned in my last post here is STILL going at it, and I am currently drafting an email to my director about the situation, but I don't know how to word it without either coming off as whiny or a horrible person. Some memories came back of my mom's (now ex) boyfriend as well. I'm not comfortable talking about him too much, but he is a terrible man. This all happened at around midnight, and I couldn't call anyone, so it didn't help matters.

There is so much more going on but I don't want to post it all publicly, but thanks for listening anyway I guess.
Yeah so I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to create a new island all over again. I was nice enough to get my little sister play Animal Crossing on my switch because she gave away her old switch to our sister (who no longer lives with us) and said sister played Animal Crossing on her switch. My sister was trying to get her switch back, but by the looks of it, she won't be getting it back which means she'll probably have to get another switch.

She's been grinding on Animal Crossing for days, and I haven't really been able to go on my island because I guess my sister's island must've overwritten mine (I don't remember saving my island on my switch unfortunately) which means my island was likely deleted. Everytime I try to play Animal Crossing under my username, I get led to the very start of the game (the one with Timmy and Tommy at the beginning). A whole ****ing year's worth of progress on my island gone, and there's nothing I can do to get that back. GREAT! :/
I hate severe weather. Just got a Tornado Warning alert on my phone and now I can't stop shaking.
Not only that, they're trying to get rid of NOAA. To the people who voted for this joke and his little rat friend (even though he was never running for anything. other than being the next biggest crook awards), I hope you continue to get the cold shoulder from everyone (yeah, I've seen people whining about this), because you asked for this.
so unfathomably upset right now. chased my adhd referral because for some reason it still hadn't been done after a month, and the useless damn gp surgery texts me like, "i'm so sorry. nobody did this and the doctor has since left. you should make another appointment, i really am sorry." this after MONTHS of jerking me around for this referral and THAT'S the best response you have? you couldn't even take initiative to a) make me the appointment or b) just get another doctor to review and send it off in the meantime ???

and the worst part is i don't think my gp has even left ??? since her name is still up on their website. i think they're talking about the doctor who started the referral but i only saw her a total of two times AND she wasn't solely responsible for it. my usual doctor is the one who booked me in for the needed tests AND saw me right after. if she's left, the above points still stand, and they should've communicated that with me, ESPECIALLY if it was going to stop/impact my referral, but if she hasn't then WHY did they not ask her about it ?? i'm actually so mad and complaining wouldn't even do anything because it's not going to shorten the wait list. these idiots have completely screwed me over.
I broke down crying in my French oral exam : D

Dammit, though. I wish I had a spine so that I don't get overwhelmed at every thing. go in at the wrong time (the slot before me, so I had barely any time to prepare), sit down, the examiners are confused because it was supposed to be someone else. They don't send me back out and take the other person in, so I'm in the room with basically nothing written down. The topics I had were really weird and hard (an overseas school trip and then hobby clubs), and my French teacher told us it would only be the specific topics she gave us a few weeks ago, so I was prepared for something completely different. Then I forgot a verb I knew, which started me off crying. I must've looked absolutely pathetic tbh. Anyway, one of the examiners gave me a tissue, but I still had to gasp out the rest of my speech in tears. Not fun, 0/10 do not recommend.
Different referral but this happened to me!! I don’t even know how they manage it. I’m so sorry they’ve done that
it's so bad, i never would've even know if i hadn't chased the referral myself yesterday because i couldn't see anything on my patient record. the fact that they didn't notify me themselves or transfer the referral/request to another GP in the surgery is insane. will definitely be complaining regardless. i'm tempted to just go private at this point, but i'm paranoid i'll pay all that money just to be told i don't have adhd lol.
My grandma’s existence pisses me off. I don’t like her and I don’t want to be like her. She says the most homophobic and racist things. Whenever I have a problem, she always asks “were they gay” or “were they black.” I had her blocked for the past few years, but I’d still see her occasionally and now I’m temporarily staying with her.

She tries to associate herself with me. It’s always “we” in her head. I also feel like I have no room to be talking about how bad of a person she is.
I hate feeling so tired throughout the days and hate not being able to focus and work on hobbies and such
Feel like I can't get anything done
Feel like I'm wasting away life again.