What's Bothering You?

I’ve been waiting for a reply back to a dm but I’m not sure if I’m being blocked. It was nothing important but I did want to clear something I said up. Next time I will just not say anything even if it is just to say that I agree about something. Not a big deal, but it frustrates me a bit now that I was misunderstood. Was only vague because I know many aren’t comfortable with the topic. At the same time, the dm wasn’t better since I was vague because I didn’t want to make things worse. Not sure what to do.
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I do not understand the fact that National Insurance have a phone number or a HMRC online app, because I can never actually speak to a real human nor can I specifically explain my national insurance pay problem to a bot or voice robot thing, cause there's nothing specific where I can say, oh I need to check if my national insurance is alright due to the fact that my old boss put down my national insurance pay as £4000 or even £7000 and the reason I only calling about it now because I rarely got my payslips! And I wanted to make sure this doesn't bite me in the a$$ later on 😖😵‍💫
Which is totally incorrect, I shouldn't have to pay anything, cause of how little money I received, but if HMRC has these payslips ya know? They'll see that amount.

So now, I have to write a letter and send it mail wise just so something can actually physcially be sent. And I'll be doing first class on that bloody thing.
I'm really annoyed that my mom keeps ordering garbage off of Temu. She's so old she can't even tell when something is printed poorly or AI generated (I don't know if she's even aware of that situation) and most of these things she ordered are hideous and now I have to see this stuff in the house daily.
I never get to order anything because I get too anxious to ask but she's allowed to just buy cheap garbage...
I feel like I should talk to my dad about this sometime because it's his money but I don't know how exactly to explain it... Plus mom might get offended.
We have to Spring Forward an hour ahead tomorrow night/Sunday morning because of Daylight Savings Time. Ugh.

Oh gosh, you just reminded me about this and the fact that this is STILL happening in this day and age is absolutely ridiculous. I genuinely don't understand how the government is so lazy that they can't even pick one of the changes and stick with it so that we don't have to change our clocks ever again. It's ludicrous. The reason behind it is outdated and I just, blegh.

I'm glad I'll be able to get some good sleep tonight before this happens, but tomorrow night is going to be painful... lol.
Oh gosh, you just reminded me about this and the fact that this is STILL happening in this day and age is absolutely ridiculous. I genuinely don't understand how the government is so lazy that they can't even pick one of the changes and stick with it so that we don't have to change our clocks ever again. It's ludicrous. The reason behind it is outdated and I just, blegh.

I'm glad I'll be able to get some good sleep tonight before this happens, but tomorrow night is going to be painful... lol.
Yet they'll pass a bill almost right away when someone shows up in sweatpants or was it a sweatshirt at one of their meetings. I get that it's not the most appropriate attire, but they can pass something like that instantly but everything else is forever in limbo?
i had a weird creepy guy flirt with me at my work place. Magement told me to go home early, security escorted me out. But im still on edge about it, security told me he wasnt out there that mall security escorted him away by car. I wish i had someone to talk to about it. I already told my parents, but im still creeped out.. my managers felt bad for me, and made sure I was safe to go. But that was scary... Im gonna have a hard time sleeping tonight.
I feel like I'm just surviving at this point. Going through every day is exhausting, and I'm not sure how much more I can handle. I'm this close to just... Giving up on myself, because I feel like I'm not going forward in life no matter what I do. I'm scared that I'll reach a point of no return, but it's probably for the better.
I am just so tired of living in this house. I hate it so much when my parents decide to have a fire in the backyard because the smoke can reach the house and apparently I am really sensitive to air particles to the point I can "taste" them before actually having any allergic reactions. I get super uncomfortable around things like candles and air fresheners and nobody gets it. I haven't actually been around candles for a few years but my mom overuses air freshener to the point it can't be good for anyone's health.
I'm mostly just writing this because I wasn't expecting to be dealing with another one of their stupid fires tonight and I am suddenly stressed. We actually have rain predicted? I don't know why they picked tonight or why they are obsessed with sitting around a fire but I wish I didn't live with them or at least not in a house that's falling apart since they're just going to do this on whatever random cold nights they possibly can. My mouth and throat are already uncomfortable and I can guess why..
I was having a nice day for a while, but then something happened and my mood was ruined for the rest of the day.

I don't want to talk too much about it right now. All I'm going to say is... I'm tired of this and I'm tired of myself. I can never grow; I just keep getting worse and worse.