What's Bothering You?

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I’m waiting for my doctor to call me about my scan results, I know there’s a problem with my gallbladder and possibly my liver too because I was told during the scan. But this call will tell me whether I need surgery. So I’m a stress ball and just to top it if I accidentally ejected my game card so I lost my days progress on new leaf but at least I can build the reset centre so I got that going for me. ( I always feel bad for complaining but no one understands the reset plight)
It is -24? here!!!!! Real feel is -47?!!!! Really hoping I don't have student teaching tomorrow bc it's supposed to be just as cold in the morning :(
It is -24? here!!!!! Real feel is -47?!!!! Really hoping I don't have student teaching tomorrow bc it's supposed to be just as cold in the morning :(

Wanna know something crazier? Since it is summer south of the equator, the northern shores of Antarctica are warmer right now.
I do not like my job.
I do not like any job.
I just don’t like working *sigh*
I want to be a couch potato who makes money.
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the tests are a test for tests which leads to more tests and ultimately more tests.
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I just got a $10.99 charge on my debit card from Amazon and I can't figure out what it was for :mad:

omg D: you should check order history and your bank account imo dunno if u are subscribed to something from there though

last day @ current work tomorrow waaaah
^same..my mom is so annoying

also @sm64 hope someone didn't hack ur account
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I'm getting over viral bronchitis, and while I feel fine and the cough has pretty much gone away, I have lost my voice. Day 2 with nothing. I guess the average time for that is 4 days, so hopefully it'll be back by the weekend.
My mental health is getting worse like every day and I can't figure out how to take care of/cope by myself
And so grows my hatred for living. :(

Tired of everything that happens, feel like I'm in a rut and don't know what to do and feel I'll go mentally berserk anytime now.
I've been off meds for a week and my withdrawal has been bad, waiting for the doctor's response but she's taking foreverrrr :^)
omg D: you should check order history and your bank account imo dunno if u are subscribed to something from there though
My mom said it was probably something that my dad is subscribed to and it charged my card since it was the active card on the account.

I swear stuff like that just makes me hate buying online even more. Luckily my dad (or should I say my mom) will pay me back soon.
Today is the first day of me helping out in a animalshelter.. I am so nervous, it makes me sick >:
My mom said it was probably something that my dad is subscribed to and it charged my card since it was the active card on the account.

I swear stuff like that just makes me hate buying online even more. Luckily my dad (or should I say my mom) will pay me back soon.

Wow dude make ur dad go off your accounts like I'd never tolerate that.
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