What's Bothering You?

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Wow dude make ur dad go off your accounts like I'd never tolerate that.

No I don't have my own Amazon acct. I use my parents because they have prime and they get free shipping, though I think I could get the same since I'm a college student. Idk.

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Also I'm pretty positive it was an accident, and my parents apologized so I'm not worried about it now.
Not sure which pill is causing all this nausea, but it's taking over my life now. One would maybe last for another week, another may last for months. I'm so tempted to call the doctor and call it quits if it's the latter. </3
If I accidentally fall back asleep in the morning for so much as 20 minutes I miss this bus that I already have to wake up stupidly early to catch, and then I'm twiddling my thumbs here for an hour until the next one. I'm in the process of buying my own car and I honestly can't wait :/ I hate driving but I think I hate this bus even more.
It's bothering me that my 3ds can't connect to the wifi but my Switch can. I have no idea what the problem is... It's pissing me off because I have the sudden urge to play new leaf with friends but I can't :' ( Oh well... about time I get more multiplayer games for Switch anyways.
It's bothering me that my 3ds can't connect to the wifi but my Switch can. I have no idea what the problem is... It's pissing me off because I have the sudden urge to play new leaf with friends but I can't :' ( Oh well... about time I get more multiplayer games for Switch anyways.

Check the setting of both your 3ds and switch, sometimes cross-connection can mess **** up.
Check the setting of both your 3ds and switch, sometimes cross-connection can mess **** up.

What is cross connection exactly? I'm scared if I futz with my Switch connection it will never reconnect lol. It's weird because my 3ds detects my wifi it just doesn't stay connected long enough to even download an update. T_T
like if they are both connected it can mess up.. dunno just thinking if it's got too many connection it won't detect it. also make sure check your internet router/modem/environment since i always get environment errors here if anything sigh

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Honestly I'd just disconnect both and check wtf is wrong because that sounds fishy if one can connect and the other can't

(also switch sux and 3ds rules but that's me)
Sometimes having mental illness makes it hard to form my political beliefs, because I don't always know what a genuine opinion that I have is versus just a mood fueled by my mood swings, plus my concentration issues paired with being too easily emotionally effected by the things I read makes it hard to actually read up on political issues. This has been bothering me for a while.
There's some RIDICULOUS drama going down in the sim tumblr community and I just want to scream.
tldr synopsis is in typical tumblr fashion someone is being attacked and ganged-up on by the community for an imaginary offence blown way out of proportion and they've done absolutely nothing wrong.

Tumblr needs to die. Why am I still using it?
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it's never, never long enough. I can never see you long enough AHHH!!! x[

anyway I'm super sleepy & have been all day even tho my dumb arse slept in a little bit this morning
I don?t know who I am anymore. I haven?t gone to classes in days, haven?t done my homework, sleeping all the time, hardly eating. It feels like everything?s falling apart. I don?t know what?s happening to me.
Bored... Maybe I should go into town looking at LPs or something or just meh stay inside.

Also this ****ing cold outside doesn't help w/ motivation nope
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