What's Bothering You?

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I really want to shiny hunt for a Roggenrola now but with the way things are going I may have to Masuda it which I'd rather not do :/
Don't think to yourself "It can't get any worse than this" because the second you do it literally will
Ughh... My brother drank out of the chocolate milk container which I had no idea of until it was too late. Why would someone do that when they're sick???Like I just don't understand. Four days later and I'm still so sick. I'm so tired and my sinuses won't clear. I don't want to make my mom sick either... You don't drink out of something if you're sick. It's called common sense.
so much dental work on monday, its so damn expensive.

Don't remind me lol I probably will have to see the dentist this year... Just hoping I'll get something paid by then :v

Anyways yeah today was pretty meh considering it was a day off well rip-
mother of lord why is gamefaqs still alive?

also reasons why i sometimes wonder why i go there: dub people
*a day where I can actually sleep past 6 am finally arrives*
My body: wanna wake up completely and utterly at 4:30 because you need to pee??
*a day where I can actually sleep past 6 am finally arrives*
My body: wanna wake up completely and utterly at 4:30 because you need to pee??

Me like all day every day I hate it. Doesn't matter if I don't have anything other than water or not "late" still happens skdfhksjdf I'm sorry
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